About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Poll: Most Americans no longer think a college education is ‘very important’. Washington Post - Sep 16, 2014 Amid a national debate about the worth of a college education, a respected annual poll about the education views held by Americans has found that only 44 percent of Americans now believe that getting a college education is “very important” — down from 75 percent four years ago.. ....
Relax. Getting into college has actually gotten easier. Washington Post - Sep 11, 2014 Every week, I read a new headline about the newly cutthroat world of college admissions. In April, major news outlets across the country reported that Stanford outdid itself by admitting only 5 percent of its applicants last year (news that it will gradually increase its class size offers only a scintilla of additional hope). ....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
How to Show Colleges That You’re Interested TeenLife Blog - Sep 15, 2014 As colleges move to data-driven means of tracking information on prospective students, they have become increasingly savvy about predicting enrollment behavior and gauging an applicant’s true level of interest., ..
To-do list for college-bound seniors Charlotte Observer - Sep 15, 2014 The to-do list for high school seniors seems to be growing longer each day. Here’s some of what they are thinking about when they’re not doing homework, participating in their extracurricular activities, hanging with friends, sleeping, ..
College Three by Five: Co-op Colleges GoLocal PDX - Sep 16, 2014 Several colleges and universities across the United States are known as “co-op” colleges: their curriculums include experiential learning for most students across all disciplines. Programs at these colleges are specifically designed to give students hands-on paid experience in their major field during college so they are career-ready adults when they graduate, ..
What's really important junior year? True Admission Blog - Sep 15, 2014 Get the lowdown on grades, extracurriculars and more in our conversation with Teen Life, Dealing with Junior Year Stress. Junior year is important but, more significantly, it feels important because there is so much going on. Students are juggling a lot ..
Are Videos the Future of College Admissions? New York Times - Sep 15, 2014 You may be familiar with the video résumé. Now meet its younger sibling: the video college application.
At NPR, Juana Summers reports that Goucher College in Baltimore will allow applicants to forego standardized tests, transcripts and recommendations ....
Colleges that ask where else you are applying Charlotte Observer - Sep 15, 2014 In fact, well over 60 Common App members, including some belonging to the Universal College Application group, are once again asking students to volunteer their college lists this year. ..
How College Applicants Can Go Beyond 'Show Don't Tell' Huffington Post - Sep 15, 2014 One of the most unavoidable pieces of advice about college-essay writing is, "show, don't tell." This slogan appears, in various forms, on English-class blackboards, on college counselors' blogs, and in some of the most august writing manuals ever written. ...
On College: Don't get too hung up on standardized tests San Jose Mercury News - Sep 15, 2014 There is no getting around standardized testing, assuming that you are a high school student planning to apply to college at some point. And while there is a growing list of colleges that do not require standardized testing, most college-going students will at some point have to endure the torture that is studying for the ACT or SAT...
3 Ways the PSAT may not prepare you for the SAT SAT Prep Examiner - Sep 10, 2014 The Preliminary SAT (PSAT)—based on its name alone, this exam can seem like the perfect opportunity to ready for the SAT. The PSAT is a wonderful addition to your prep plan, true, but it is not a magical means to a high score on the SAT. The PSAT assesses your potential SAT aptitude...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Sep 18, 2014 Public Opinion About College Has Changed. Yours Shouldn’t. A recent article in The Washington Post reports that most Americans do not believe a college education is very important. The PDK- Gallup Poll indicates only 44 percent of Americans now feel a college education matters, down from 79 percent just four years ago.... More
Getting the most out of sessions with your counselor Tyler Paper - Sep 16, 2014 High school counselors have an important job, but it’s one that I don’t envy. First, there’s the sheer number of students who depend on them. In large public school districts, the average counselor has a caseload of 455 students, according to the most recent statistics available from the U.S. Department of Education.....
Are You Confused and Frustrated? The College Solution Blog - Sep 14, 2014 How much would you pay a counselor to help your child get into a top college? And what if that fee came with a guarantee, or your money back?....
21 Schools Where a Liberal Arts Degree Can Pay Off Big Time Magazine - Sep 10, 2014 Good news, poets and philosophers. At nearly two dozen liberal arts colleges, graduates typically go on to earn at least $100,000 a year by the time they reach their thirties, according to a new report from the salary website PayScale.com. ....
Nab a Fat Financial Aid Package to Pay for College US News - Sep 16, 2014 Heather McDonnell, associate dean of financial aid and admission at Sarah Lawrence College in Bronxville, New York, was shopping at the grocery store a few years ago when a man came up to her and appealed for mercy. ....
FAFSA and the Middle Class Huffington Post - Sep 15, 2014 According to a recent US New & World Report article, parents who fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) are often shocked by how much the federal government estimates they can afford to pay for college when they receive their official "Expected Family Contribution," or EFC.....
Schools’ wait lists called a drag on the economy Boston Globe - Sep 15, 2014 Many vocational and technical schools across Massachusetts have long waiting lists for students seeking admission, creating a bottleneck in worker training even as thousands of well-paying jobs go unfilled for lack of skilled labor, according to a new survey.,...
College Admissions: Which New England Grads Make 6 Figures? GoLocalWorcester College Admissions - Sep 15, 2014 As more attention from the federal government focuses on the value graduates are seeing from colleges, Payscale.com released its 2013-2014 report detailing starting and mid-career salaries for individual colleges. The data tells an interesting story here in New England,...

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