This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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 | Higher Ed's Moneyball? - Oct 14, 2015 It's 20-year-old Randall Lofton's third shot at college. He's already wiped out twice. Too much partying and basketball, he says, and not enough studying. "I didn't apply myself."...
The Allure of the Out-of-State Student The Atlantic - Oct 15, 2015 At public colleges, they pay significantly more tuition and help address budget gaps, but are they hurting the chances of in-state students?....
The Education Games: Making College Admissions Less Complicated, More Accessible Houston Chronicle - Oct 19, 2015 According to research done by the Center for Public Education, it is not actually harder to get into college than it was a decade ago. But what may be more difficult – and what may need to change – is the admissions process, by striving to “level the admissions playing field between rich and poor.”....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
3 Tips for Selecting the Right Reach Schools US News - Oct 19, 2015 According to the Department of Education, there are roughly 3,000 four-year colleges in America. You likely should not apply to all of them. In fact, you should leave the majority of them off of your short list. Each school that you apply to during senior year of high school will cost you time, effort and money, so it is important to choose colleges carefully....
Tips for filing successful college applications MyCentralJersey - Oct 15, 2015 The key to filing college applications that will attract letters of acceptance is to recognize what the colleges are seeking and then focus the applications accordingly....
A terrific, free college application essay organizer NY College Admissions Examiner - Oct 19, 2015 Fall is college application time for high school seniors, with students opening Common Application accounts to file many or all of their applications in one place...
Should You Apply to College Early? - Oct 10, 2015 Most highly selective colleges in the country have a regular admission deadline sometime between the end of December and mid February. Most also have a deadline for Early Action or Early Decision applicants that typically falls in early November. This article explores some of the advantages as well as a couple disadvantages of applying to college under one of these early admission programs.....
Is Early College Decision Right For You? TeenLife - Oct 20, 2015 It’s more and more common for students to apply to college early. With the highly competitive nature of today’s applicants and the number of students applying to college, many opt to jump ahead of the pack.....
Do early birds catch the college acceptance? Boston Globe - Oct 15, 2015 With the November early application deadlines fast approaching at approximately 450 colleges and universities around the country, it’s time for high school seniors to decide whether fast-tracking the waiting game is right for them.....
Countdown to College: Essay topics to avoid Charlotte Observer - Oct 15, 2015 What do colleges want to know about you? That’s a good place to start when you’re brainstorming your college essay. You know colleges don’t want you to tell your life story in 500 words. But, you keep pestering yourself wondering..
8 things admissions officers wish people would stop doing USA Today - Oct 19, 2015 One of the best ways to make your admissions essays stand apart from the crowd is to avoid the most common mistakes that applicants make. Admissions officers are looking for sincere and passionate essays that help them get to know you better...
Should I attend a college information session? USA Today - Oct 20, 2015 Ah, fall: colorful leaves, crisp air and pumpkin spice everything. Yet fall also signals one more very important thing: college applications. But before you start applying, you need to narrow down your college selection — and that’s not always easy.....
Meet & Greet: 9 tips for attending the Big Apple College Fair New York Post - Oct 21, 2015 College fairs are a great way to get a taste of the life offered at a number of colleges in a short time without the expense of travel, especially for first-in-their-family students. Here are some tips to get you on your way....
Making the Most of Your College Admissions Interview Lamorinda Weekly - Oct 21, 2015 Many students request interviews, or 'sit downs' as they are sometimes called, with admission representatives who visit our communities this time of year. Others receive emails or phone calls to schedule an interview appointment from an alumnus or other individual who represents a college. Regardless of who initiates the interview or what it is called,....
College fairs offer more than free pens Daily North Shore - Oct 15, 2015 Sure, the college fair is a place where you can pick up a pen or two with a college name emblazoned on it, but savvy students use this great resource to inform their college search. Here’s how to make the most of attending a college fair.....
Gap Year
Top Reasons to Take a Gap Year Huffington Post - Oct 3, 2015 My second child just left home. She didn't run away, she just graduated from high school. But, she's gone, like many other college freshmen. However, unlike many of her college bound peers, she is headed many miles away from campus....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Oct 22, 2015 Applying to College? It’s Simple as 1-2-3 Since I'm from Detroit, it's only natural for Motown songs to come to mind on big occasions. On my daughter's birthday, "Isn't She Lovely" comes to mind. When a heavy snow closes school, the whole family joins in a chorus of "How Sweet It Is." More
Older parents face college-debt crunch Seattle Times - Oct 19, 2015 Middle-class families grappling with the rising cost of college often find solutions in borrowing. The result has been an explosion in student-loan debt.....
Paying for College 101: 5 Tips Parents Need to Know Huffington Post - Oct 19, 2015 As the fall semester swings into full gear, many current and prospective college students--and their parents-- are thinking about how they will ultimately pay for that coveted degree....
Why the new SAT is spooking high school students CBS News MarketWatch - Oct 15, 2015 The prospect of taking the SAT or ACT has been stress-inducing for millions of American teenagers over the years, but the angst is even more palpable this year for high school juniors....
Will the new SAT earn higher scores? (+video) The Christian Science Monitor - Oct 14, 2015 More than a million high-schoolers packed up their pencils, calculators, and ID Wednesday to take the PSAT, the “preliminary” SAT exam that prepares students for the real deal. But while some students may fret ove...
5 Things You Need to Know About Financial Aid GoLocalProv College Admissions - Oct 19, 2015 If you have a student applying to college this fall, you need to be filling out financial aid forms and filing them now. Many colleges require the CSS Profile, FAFSA or their own form when you submit your applications. Waiting will mean you miss out on important grants, scholarships and loans....
4 Steps for Getting the Best Financial Aid - Oct 20, 2015 We have all heard it in the news. Most of us have even heard it from our friends and family: Student loan debt is taking a serious toll on those who choose to pursue higher education. In order to curb some of these intimidating costs...
Tips on Understanding a College Financial Aid Letter NASDAQ - Oct 20, 2015 Your child’s already been accepted to the college of his or her choice, and you’ve been waiting patiently to find out how much you’re going to have to pay for that top-notch education. Now the wait is over: Your financial aid award letter has finally arrived in the mail. ..
Not Enough Cooks in the Restaurant Kitchen New York Times - Oct 21, 2015 The drumbeat began about five years ago, as the restaurant industry started to recover from the recession. The sound was faint, but chefs noticed. Openings for junior jobs like prep cook and line cook were taking longer to fill, and the applicants had weaker skills...
Can California close its education gaps? USC News - Oct 19, 2015 rmer Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the USC Price School of Public Policy held a public round table with a discussion on creating a 21st century educational system. The event was part of a collaboration called California Central....
CHANGING IDAHO’S COLLEGE-GOING CULTURE Idaho Ed News - Oct 19, 2015 Every fall Idaho high school seniors assess their post-graduation options. Unfortunately, too many qualified students are unsure of the importance of postsecondary education, or how to go to college. ...
10 Ways To Deal When You're Being Bullied Teen Vogue - Oct 15, 2015 It can be really hard to talk about what you’re going through when you’re being bullied. I was bullied for 8 years and it wasn’t until I started writing my book The Survival Guide to Bullying that I realized how important it was to not go through bullying alone.....

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Gap Year
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