About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
Where Are All the High-School Grads Going? The Atlantic - Jan 11, 2016 The latest national data shows that more students are getting their high-school diplomas than ever before. Just over 82 percent of the students who were high-school seniors during the 2013-14 year graduated, up from 81 percent the year before.....
Report Calls For ‘Poverty Preference’ In College Admissions Houston Public Media - Jan 11, 2016 The latest national data shows that more students are getting their high-school diplomas than ever before. Just over 82 percent of the students who were high-school seniors during the 2013-14 year graduated, up from 81 percent the year before.....
Why states are cutting back on higher education funding MarketWatch - Jan 7, 2016 Just two states in the country are spending as much on higher education per student as they did before the recession.
North Dakota and Alaska increased higher education spending by 38% and 6% respectively between 2008 and 2014,....
Should Low-Income Students Get More Preference in College Admissions? TIME - Jan 12, 2016 A new report says economic affirmative action is the answer to a system that stacks the deck against smart poor students. Just like legacy admits or athletic recruits, students from low-income families ought to get special preference in college admissions decisions.....
Report proposes new definition of “merit” to help low-income college applicants Hechinger Report - Jan 11, 2016 The nation’s most selective colleges and universities should give special preference in the admissions process to qualified students from low-income families, who are vastly less likely to attend those schools than wealthier Americans with similar academic ability, according to a new report......
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Are There Too Many Extracurriculars on Your Resume? Her Campus - Jan 10, 2016 Do you find yourself struggling to balance all of your after school activities? Are you feeling a little overwhelmed––a la Paris Gellar from Gilmore Girls? If you’re having trouble fitting all your credentials on your resume or college application,....
Strengthening the College Transfer Pathway Huffington Post - Jan 11, 2016 Higher education leaders have a major problem from which they cannot hide. The transfer pathway from community colleges to four-year colleges and universities is badly broken. And, it's partly their fault.....
Managing the dreaded college rejection letter NCAdvertiser - Jan 12, 2016 As time goes by, things get harder and harder for teens. Slogging through junior year, SATs, and college applications are all a prelude to the inevitable worry about college acceptance.....
Campus Visits/Interviews/Fairs
8 Things You Shouldn't Do in Your College Interview Her Campus - Jan 10, 2016 The college applications are in, transcripts are sent and now it’s time to wait. Or, you could go the extra mile and do an interview with an admissions counselor or alumnus!....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Jan 14, 2016 2016: The Year in ReviewAnyone can wait until December to write their reflections on the highlights of the year in college advising, but it takes a special talent—or lack of wisdom—to write them just as the year is getting underway. More
SCPA counselor sues SDUSD, Foster San Diego Union Tribune - Jan 7, 2016 Many high schools are already beginning course scheduling for the next academic year. And teens will often have several types of classes to choose from, including college-level classes such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and dual enrollment courses.....
4 Answers for Parents About College-Level Classes in High School US News - Jan 11, 2016 Many high schools are already beginning course scheduling for the next academic year. And teens will often have several types of classes to choose from, including college-level classes such as Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate and dual enrollment courses.....
Don’t Pay for an Expensive SAT Tutor TIME - Jan 11, 2016 For years, news stories have reported the exorbitant amounts parents are willing to shell out on prep courses for college admissions tests. In most every one, critics of the test prep industry have questioned the worth of those high-priced courses. ....
9 things to know about the new SAT LoHUD - Jan 9, 2016 When it comes to the SAT — that highest of high-pressure college-admissions tests — there is before and after. Before Jan. 23, there is the current SAT. After Jan. 23 — actually starting with the first test, on March 5 — there is the new SAT, an exam that more closely resembles its rival ACT.... ....
College Admissions: What Your PSAT Scores Really Means GoLocalProv College Admissions - Jan 11, 2016 PSAT scores for the new version of the SAT arrived last week. These scores mark the time when sophomores and juniors can begin to target colleges that are in range. If your school is slow about handing out scores, you may want to go online and get them. ....
Countdown to College: What’s up with the PSAT? Charlotte Observer - Jan 10, 2016 PSAT results are in, sort of. High school juniors and a smattering of sophomores took the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholar Qualifying Test) back in October, 2015....
Interpreting the ‘new’ PSAT/NMSQT® score reports DC College Admissions Examiner - Jan 9, 2016 Students lucky enough to navigate the College Board website and successfully retrieve PSAT/NMSQ test scores from October are probably wondering what to make of the dizzying number of scores....
How to Ace the 12 Trickiest Questions on the FAFSA TIME - Jan 12, 2016 To get into college, students have to pass all kinds of tricky tests of grammar, history, math, and science. To pay for college, students and their parents have to ace the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, which has a surprising number of confusing questions....
 | Now Is The Time To File Your FAFSA WBUR.org Hear & Now - Jan 7, 2016 Wading through financial aid forms can be a huge burden on parents and students alike. Lisa Micele, director of college counseling at the University of Illinois Laboratory High School, joins Here & Now’s Jeremy Hobson with tips and tricks on navigating that complicated world, starting with the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)....
Avoid These 10 FAFSA Mistakes TeenLife Blog - Jan 12, 2016 It’s FAFSA time. Parents of college-bound teens and current college students are amping up to file this all-important financial aid document....
5 Hacks to Save Time on Your 2016 FAFSA NerdWallet - Jan 7, 2016 The senior year of high school is a busy time for students and their parents, with college applications and campus visits, plus homework and extracurriculars....
Q&A: Financial Aid Applications The College Solution Blog - Jan 10, 2016 This is the time of year when people are filing for financial aid. In this post, I’m sharing a few of the questions that I’ve gotten about applying for aid. ....
How to Read a College Financial Aid Statement TIME - Jan 11, 2016 College financial aid packages should be at your doorstep pretty soon. MONEY writer Kim Clark took a look at how financial aid statements differ from school to school. Don’t be worried if you’re confused when you read your statement; ...
3 Reasons to Apply to High-Effort, High-Dollar Scholarships US News - Jan 8, 2016 The scholarship search and application process is a pretty big job as is, and for many students, it can be tempting to only apply to scholarships that are easy and require a simple application. Unfortunately, thousands of other students are thinking the same thing – making the competition levels much higher. ...
Career and Technical Education
Commentary: Agricultural Education programs need stable funding AG Alert - Jan 13, 2016 In recent years, and even more in recent months, the way school Career and Technical Education is funded in the state of California has changed dramatically. Probably the best-known CTE program to the farming and ranching community is the Agriculture Education/FFA program,.....
Student Athletes
Student Athletes Need an Early Start TIME - Jan 13, 2016 Student athletes who dream of being recruited by a college for their sports talent should get on schools’ radars early—perhaps as early as ninth grade...
How to get your first email noticed by college coaches USA Today HSS - Jan 8, 2016 It is the start of a new year. 2015 is behind you and you can’t afford to procrastinate another day. If you are a high school athlete with the desire to play at the next level and you are not being highly recruited, it’s time to start the process of contacting college coaches on your own...
High schools review social media policy for athletes WEAU - Jan 11, 2016 EAU CLAIRE COUNTY, Wis. (WEAU)- Local schools are reviewing their policies regarding social media and athletics after their counterpart near Appleton punished one of its student-athletes....
A community college bachelor's degree? N.J. schools disagree Philiadelphia Inquirer - Jan 10, 2016 A proposal by two North Jersey community colleges to confer bachelor's degrees in nursing has divided the state's college presidents, with each side accusing the other of not addressing students' needs......
Can Step Up get more Vermonters to go to college? WCAX - Jan 8, 2016 "There are thousands of Vermont high school students every year that are graduating from high school with no plans to go to college. And that is a tragedy in terms of their economic prospects and the economic prospects for the state of Vermont," said Jeb Spaulding, the chancellor of the Vermont State College system....
Teen Dating
Guest commentary: It takes training and education to stand up to violence Contra Costa Times - Jan 9, 2016 When a young woman was killed by her ex-boyfriend in Walnut Creek last year, speculation arose as to why he would act so violently. The truth is that 1 in every 3 young people experiences some form of abuse in their relationship and 30 percent of adolescent girls (ages 15 to 19) who are killed every year in the U.S. die at the hands of an abusive partner.....
Teen dating violence: ‘It’s not just a one-time talk’ WANE - Jan 7, 2016 FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) In a room at the Bill C. Anthis Center, parents sat down for a session focused on safe dating and teen domestic violence Thursday. It’s an unusual topic for parents, probably not something they had to deal with when they were in high school....

Big Pic
Teen Dating
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