About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
As the SAT evolves, so do opinions on its value Hechinger Report - Mar 7, 2016 Thousands of high school students piled into test centers early March as the first group to take the new, revamped SAT. The College Board, which administers the test, promises a more comprehensive, modern evaluation of potential college success. ....
Hidden Gold in College Applications New York Times - OpEd - Mar 7, 2016 At Rutgers University-Newark, 20 college students were working through a word problem on a rainy February morning when several got stuck....
Will the New SAT Better Serve Poor Students? The Atlantic - Mar 5, 2016 The SAT has been called out of touch, instructionally irrelevant, and a contributor to the diversity gaps on college campuses because the test arguably benefits wealthier students who can afford heaps of test preparation.....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Pros, Cons of Applying to College as an Undecided Major US News - Mar 7, 2016 The applications for many colleges and universities allow students to specify an intended major, though this is not required – and not all students do so. In most cases, choosing to begin college as an undecided major or electing to declare a major before arriving on campus depends on an individual student's situation.....
More Colleges Are Cyber-Stalking Students During the Admissions Process TIME - Mar 9, 2016 Your online history is fair game. Yes, colleges still look at high school students’ grades and SAT scores to decide who gets accepted. But applicants should also keep in mind that admissions officers today are way more likely to be scrutinizing what high school students say and do on social media than ever before...
College Admissions: 5 Websites Revolutionizing Admissions GoLocalProv College Admissions - Mar 7, 2016 Hoverboards, Apple watches, self-driving cars…..but what is really new in college admissions? What are the ideas and technologies propelling students, college administrators and counselors into a more holistic college admissions process?....
Guidelines for Making the Final College Choice Huffington Post - Mar 7, 2016 The waiting is almost over as admission notices get sent out now and within the next few weeks. Making an informed and correct college choice is crucial.....
Choosing which college to attend Seattle College Bound Examiner - Mar 5, 2016 As admissions decisions arrive, students are faced with the question, “How do I choose which college to attend?” While there is no simple answer, below are a few things to consider as you ponder your options.....
Gap Year
Why Top Universities Want Students to Take a Gap Year Kicker - Mar 8, 2016 When I told people I was taking a gap year, they were surprised. But they were often even more surprised when they realized that I was deferring Stanford to do so. Wouldn’t the school question my academic integrity? Wouldn’t I fall behind my overachieving peers? Wouldn’t…? And so forth....
Letters of Recommendation
Letters of recommendation hurt students from struggling high schools Education Drive - Mar 7, 2016 DePaul University’s associate vice president, division of enrollment management and marketing, adds letters of recommendation to the list of unfair admissions considerations that disproportionately benefit students from wealthier, or college prep-oriented high schools....
Campus Visits/Interviews/Fairs
4 campus visit tips for parents Charlotte Observer - Mar 6, 2016 If this spring break is going to be your first stroll on a college campus since your own graduation day, here are four tips to avoid some rookie-parent campus visit mistakes. ....
Touring colleges? Be Sure To Make These 3 Connections TeenLife Blog - Mar 9, 2016 A college visit is possibly the most important component of your college search. Without a visit, you are applying blind.
Without a visit, you can’t know if the college is a good fit for you. And without a visit, you won’t be able to make three important personal connections: the college admissions counselors, ....
How to Plan a College Visit Road Trip Over Spring Break Her Campus - Mar 6, 2016 Spring break is right around the corner and pre-collegiettes from all across the country are beginning to plan their long-awaited college visits. It is a prime time for visiting colleges and checking out which schools pique your interest....
Include college visits in your spring break plans
Spokane College Examiner - Mar 7, 2016 Spring break is time for high school students to relax and enjoy some down time. However many families often spend the break on a vacation away from home. Have you thought about adding some college visit to your holiday plans?....
When To Visit: The College Tour Circuitt Forbes - Mar 7, 2016 Before you decide when to visit a college campus, remember why you’re going: To see it in person and evaluate it as a possible environment for a four-year academic and social experience....
College Application Essays Need Stories Gazettes - Mar 6, 2016 If there is something important you wish to get across on your college essay, then it’s best to say it in the form of a story, a narrative essay....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Mar 10, 2016 Activities That Build a Better College Plan Like roads after the spring thaw, the road to college has never been. Record numbers of college applications lead the media to wonder, “Can anyone get into college?” ... More
Money for student counseling takes a back seat Minnesota Public Radio - Mar 7, 2016 Lots of young, enthusiastic people want to be school counselors in Minnesota. Test scores and graduation data show there's plenty of need for the kind of support counselors provide....
3 Surprising Skills That School Counselors Need Edutopia - Mar 7, 2016 Everything that school counselors need to know, they learned in graduate school. Right? Well, sort of. While school counseling programs thoroughly prepare graduates, as with any degree, there is some on-the-job learning that isn't always covered in school...
A Good Reason to Let Your Kids Borrow for College TIME - Mar 3, 2016 Starting adult life with student loans is hard, but it may beat the alternative. You know how they say you should put your own retirement first, before saving for your kids’ college tuition?..
Newly redesigned SAT college entrance exam gets good reviews Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Mar 5, 2016 WASHINGTON — Not so tricky. More straightforward. Guessing allowed. The newly redesigned SAT college entrance exam that debuts nationally today is getting good reviews from some of the students who took it early this week.. ..
The new SAT: The verdict is -- CNN.com - Mar 7, 2016 (CNN)If you heard a mysterious sound last weekend, it was probably the collective exhale from nearly 300,000 students across the country, relieved to be finished with the SAT -- a new version that had undergone its biggest changes in a decade, maybe ever...
What Teens Think of the New SAT The Collge Solution Blog - Mar 7, 2016 The College Board is about to unveil its newly redesigned SAT college admissions test, with the first students set to take it next Saturday. We already know a lot about the new exam, which was designed to align heavily with the Common Core ..
College Board adds unexpected experimental section to ‘some’ SATs DC College Admissions Examiner - Mar 4, 2016 Thanks to some terrific reporting from Valerie Strauss, of the Washington POST and excellent follow-up by Catherine Gewertz, of Education Week, we now know that the College Board will be adding a fifth, entirely unexpected, section to the “redesigned” SAT (rSAT) administered to some students taking the new test for the first time tomorrow. ..
5 FAFSA myths debunked Shreveport Times - Mar 92016 It’s January, so FAFSA season has begun. If you’re planning to attend college in the 2016-17 school year, you need to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid to be considered for loans, grants, work-study programs and some scholarships...
These mistakes cost many students their shot at college financial aid MarketWatch - Mar 7, 2016 On a recent weeknight in a New York City high school classroom, 17-year-old Egady Torres sat surrounded by his parents, siblings and other students as he waited for a volunteer to call him into a computer lab and help him fill out the forms that might unlock the resources he needs to pay for college...
A Quick Guide to Financial Aid Essentials TIME - Mar 3, 2016 Khalfani-Cox, author of College Secrets: How to Save Money, Cut College Costs and Graduate Debt Free, also talks about how students should be aware that the kinds of schools they apply to may dictate the financial aid they receive ..
Career and Technical Education
Career Tech Education prepares students for future Dayton Daily News - Mar 5, 2016 What is the true purpose of high school? This is a question asked by students every day across our country, and the answer is simple: preparation for the future. In an era where millions of Americans are living in poverty and/or unemployed ...
Student Athletes
Recruiting Column: Tools of the Trade USA Today HSS - Mar 2, 2016 Over the last year, we have been fortunate enough to interview some of the greatest college coaches in the country. From Russ Rose with Penn State Volleyball to Billy Kennedy with Texas A&M Basketball, these coaches have provided us with valuable insight into the current state of college recruiting ..
Young athletes increasingly facing health problems San Diego Union Tribune - Mar 3, 2016 Athletes tend to be driven, motivated people. When they set a goal—to run a mile under five minutes, to make the basketball team, to lead their football team to the championship — they will do whatever it takes to reach that goal, sometimes even when their bodies are saying it’s too much to handle...
SPECIAL REPORT: Is There a School Counselor Shortage in Wisconsin? CBS Local - Milwaukee - Mar 7, 2016 Everyone knows school counselors help with academics, but today they are responsible for so much more. The profession has changed to address issues like bullying, peer pressure, poverty and school violence. To reflect a new and ever-evolving role, the American School Counselor Association (ASCA)..
Minnesota's Graduation Gap: Sources Minnesota Public Radio - Mar 7, 2016 Minnesota has a tradition of excellence in education, but its high school graduation rates are nothing to brag about — and for students of color, they're among the worst in the nation...
Dating Violence
Dating Violence: Peer Education Offers Strong Dose of Prevention YouthToday - Mar 4, 2016 When Nicole York was in school, she was the kind of girl everyone could go to with their troubles. Friends would pull her aside in hallways, lunchrooms and after the last bell had rung to talk about problems with parents, siblings and schoolyard bullies. ..

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Gap Year
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