About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
The Reason Behind Colleges' Ballooning Bureaucracies The Atlantic - Oct 6, 2016 BANGOR, Maine—Post-It Notes stick to the few remaining photos hanging on the walls of the University of Maine System offices in a grand brick building that was, at one time, a W.T. Grant department store, built in 1948.....
The Price and Cost of College Are Different Things Washington Monthly - Oct 6, 2016 As someone who spends a lot of time thinking about some of the wonkier issues of higher education finance, there are some common statements that just drive me nuts. For example, people who refer to the U.S. ....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
College Connection: Early application deadlines are looming MyCentralJersey - Oct 12, 2016 What greater holiday gift is there for a college bound student than to receive a fat acceptance letter, or a congratulatory email, from a college of choice? But in order to have a chance of getting such good news by the holidays, students typically need to submit their college applications by the “early” deadline of November 1st or 15th.. ....
Expert Advice on Getting Accepted Into College NBC Washington - Oct 11, 2016 Filling out college applications can be tedious and stressful, so News4 went to the source for the inside scoop on college admissions.
As an associate dean of admissions at the University of Virginia, Jeannine Lalonde has read plenty of college essays. ....
5 ways to make your college application essay stand out Cincinnati.com - Oct 8, 2016 After helping students with literally thousands of essays over the last decade, I’ve noticed five clear truths that stand out among the rest when it comes to crafting an application piece. These ideas may seem obvious, but you would be surprised just how many people forget these simple steps because they are overthinking their application essays ....
Campus Visits
3 Ways Parents, Students Can Prepare for College Interviews Together US News - Oct 10, 2016 The college interview can be an excellent means of breathing life into an application. A great interview can even, in some instances, push a borderline application over the top. But interviews – especially high-stakes interviews at top colleges – can be challenging to navigate ..
College Connection: The fall is a great time to visit campuses MyCentralJersey - Oct 10, 2016 The fall is a great time for students and parents to tour colleges to identify potential “best fit” schools. Visiting a college when classes are in session allows high school students to take in the atmosphere and to visualize what it would be like to be a part of the student body. ..
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Oct 13, 2016 The Role of Texting in College Counseling One of the biggest challenges school counselors face is keeping in touch with their students. This is especially true when it comes to advising students about college plans. With all of the choices, and all of the steps that have to be taken, and all of the forms that have to be completed.... More
High School Threats No Joke for Teachers, Parents US News - Oct 10, 2016 Violent threats made toward high schools involving clowns have swept the nation recently. "There's movies with creepy clowns, but that people are threatening kids with creepy clowns is just out of control and crazy," ..
Stop Stressing About Picking the “Right” College Major The College Solution Blog - Oct 3, 2016 Are you stressing about what your teenager’s college major is going to be? If you’re worried about your child not picking the right college major, you must ABSOLUTELY watch the video and read the blog post below!....
5 Things You Need to Know About Financial Aid GoLocalProv College Admissions - Oct 10, 2016 If you have a student applying to college this fall, you need to be filling out financial aid forms and filing them now. Many colleges require the CSS Profile, FAFSA or their own form when you submit your applications. Waiting will mean you miss out on important grants, scholarships and loans. So, here is what you need to know up front so that you don’t miss out on any opportunities: ..
The Gold Standard in Financial Aid Info Tribune News Service - Oct 6, 2016 If you want the most up-to-date information on what’s going on with the FAFSA form, new dates, new restrictions and new regulations and most importantly new ways to pay as little as is legally possible for college, then my best recommendation for a sound financial investment is the recently released ..
The FAFSA Is For Everyone--Use It! Forbes - Oct 10, 2016 I work with families with a wide range of incomes. When the time comes to discuss college costs, wealthier parents often tell me they won’t qualify for financial aid although paying the full comprehensive fee (tuition, room and board) will be a significant burden. ..
4 College Financial Aid Questions That Can Cost You Money TIME - Oct 7, 2016 Anyone who wants financial aid for college needs to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA. That form determines how much government aid, such as Pell Grants, you’ll qualify for. The FAFSA determines all of your aid at some 80% of colleges. But more than 150 colleges...
5 Surprising Reasons Colleges May Give You Less Financial Aid TIME - Oct 6, 2016 f you’re hoping to get enough grants and scholarships to pay for college without any loans, sorry to say the odds are against you. About three-quarters of undergraduates get less scholarship or grant money than they need to afford college without taking on debt. In fact, the average college reports providing enough aid to meet only 66% of the financial needs of students....
Career and Technical Education
Time running out on federal CTE bill EducationDive - Oc 11, 2016 Overwhelmingly, employers are saying that too many workers are coming into the marketplace without the necessary skills to hold positions or to innovate within them. This disparity in training puts more of an emphasis on students to receive multi-layered training in community or four-year institutions....
Release: ‘15 to Finish’ could help cut college costs for many students The Missouri Times - Oct 11, 2016 Missouri will launch a new program this week that aims to help reduce the cost of a college degree for many students. The 15 to Finish program encourages full-time college students to take at least 15 credit hours a semester to put them on track to receive an associate degree in two years or a bachelor’s degree in four years.. ..
New scholarship program aims to target aspiring educators WANE - Oct 6, 2016 FORT WAYNE, Ind. (WANE) – High achieving students interested in teaching have a new scholarship option. The Commission for Higher Education announced the Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship Program, .. ..
Teen Driving
New study outlines teens' worst driving habits as deadly crashes spike CBS News - Oct 12, 2016 The number of teenagers involved in deadly car crashes is rising for the first time in nearly a decade. New data from federal regulators reveal a 10-percent increase last year in teen driving deaths. Teens are more than one-and-a-half times more likely than adults to be involved in a deadly crash. ..

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