About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Big Picture
The College Admissions Process Is Broken US News - Jun 19, 2017 Now that college acceptance and rejection decisions have found their destinations for another year, it is finally time that someone steps up and says what needs to be said: The college admissions process is broken and needs to be fixed. ..
College Admissions Process/Strategies
How to Narrow Down Your College Application List So You Won’t Have Regrets Her Campus - Jun 21, 2017 When you first start looking into where to apply to college, it can be easy to add 20 schools to your list, thinking you’ll apply to all of them, you know, just in case — but when it actually comes down to writing those essays and paying those application fees, applying to every school you’ve ever considered just isn’t realistic ..
College Admissions: Why Starting in 9th Grade Matters GoLocalProv College Admissions - Jun 12, 2017 Every fall, I see families of seniors in “crunch mode”, trying desperately to catch up on college visits, SAT/ACT testing, financial aid forms and applications. Which begs the question, “When is the right time to start the college admissions process?” ..
Reasons to Visit Campus Before Starting an Online Program US News - Jun 20, 2017 It may sound counterintuitive, but location does matter to online students. A 2017 survey by the Learning House and Aslanian Market Research found that nearly 75 percent of online college students chose a school within 100 miles of their home, ..
4 things your professors wish you knew before you start college USA Toady College - Jun 20, 2017 Everyone knows that going away to college for the first time can be a rough transition. You constantly hear the rights and wrongs from parents, older friends and classmates on what to do those first few months of class. , ..
How to Narrow Down Your College Application List So You Won’t Have Regrets Her Campus - Jun 21, 2017 When you first start looking into where to apply to college, it can be easy to add 20 schools to your list, thinking you’ll apply to all of them, you know, just in case — but when it actually comes down to writing those essays and paying those application fees, applying to every school you’ve ever considered just isn’t realistic ..
Students with Disabilities
Archive: More students with disabilities going to college NorthJersey - Jun 16, 2017 When she arrived at Bergen Community College last September, Rachel Bowers felt overwhelmed. "I didn't know what building to go to or where I was supposed to be," recalled the 19-year-old from New Milford, who is intellectually disabled. "It was pretty scary for me.".....
Social Media
Students Should Check Their Online Presence With College On The Horizon Forbes - Jun 19, 2017 As the new college admission season heats up for soon-to-be-seniors in high school, one principle to keep very much in mind is: All offers of admission are conditional. That means an institution can revoke its invitation to campus for any reason it considers appropriate. ..
For incoming college students, the social media stakes are high CBS News - Jun 19, 2017 LAS VEGAS — Few college-bound kids lose their shot, and their slot, at their dream school once they get in, but it happened at one of the world's most elite institutions and for a reason that has, until recently, hardly registered in the university admissions process: social media.. ..
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Jun 22, 2017 Five Counseling Trends to Watch for This Fall Last week, we looked back at this school year, and talked about five trends and issues that shaped our world of work, and the lives of our students. ... More
Here’s how much the average American family has saved for college CNBC News - Jun 16, 2017 Most American parents want to send their kids to college — but, unfortunately, they aren't financially prepared. Fidelity Investment's 10th Annual College Savings Indicator Study reports that although 70 percent of parents intend to cover....
Recruiting Tip: Your parent’s role in college recruiting USA Today HSS - Jun 15, 2017 Over the next few weeks our recruiting tips will cover the roles of parents, coaches, and the athletes themselves in the college recruiting process. This week let’s talk about the parent’s roles in college recruiting. ..
The SAT is for the birds and colleges know it Dallas Morning News - OpEd - Jun 15, 2017 It was the Monday right before the next national ACT test date and I could feel the anxiety marching into the classroom, closing in on students and demanding to be heard....
Fight Financial Aid Stigma US News - Jun 19, 2017 For most Americans, an expensive private school education is totally out of reach. The median income in America is $73,298 and private schools can cost up to $45,000 per year or more. My family doesn't have that kind of money, but wanted me to get a great education....
6 financial aid questions you’re too embarrassed to ask USA Today - Jun 19, 2017 While many colleges will soon send bills for this fall’s tuition, most won’t expect payment until late summer. That gives college-bound students and their families time to finalize financial aid details. Here are six basic, but crucial, things to know about using student loans, scholarships and more to pay ...
Will divorce mean more financial aid for college? NJ.com - Jun 16, 2017 Q. I'm a sophomore in college and I received very little financial aid. My parents are getting divorced. Will that mean I can qualify for more aid? What do I do to find out? -- Need money help...
When Net Price Setting Pays Off Inside Higher Ed - Jun 19, 2017 University of Dayton reports strong results for first class graduating under a financial aid plan keeping students' net tuition stable for four years, but considerable risks mean the idea might not always transfer well...
Career and Technical Education
The Top 30 Two-Year Trade Schools 2017: The Full Methodology Forbes - Jun 19, 2017 The 2017 Top 30 Two-Year Trade Schools list is the first of its kind from Forbes. We find value in highlighting the nation’s 442 two-year trade schools in a time when the country’s high schools, local and federal government..
Tracking Transfer in Connecticut Inside Higher Ed - Jun 15, 2017 A pending Connecticut law will now mandate that the University of Connecticut and the state’s four other public universities publicly release data on which transfer student credits they accept and which they reject....
How Is New York’s Free College Program Actually Going to Work? Slate - Jun 16, 2017 Days after opening the application window for its free public college tuition program, New York received more than 21,000 applications. It looks like a quick clip for a state that had projected Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s signature free tuition program would cover about 22,000 students in its first year.....
Teen Health
Teens Are Just As Sedentary As 60 Year Olds TIME - Jun 16, 2017 Obesity in American shows no signs of slowing, and the reasons why it's so widespread can be traced to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle that keeps people inactive, and eating, for more hours of the day....
How does social media affect teen health? Newsday - Jun 19, 2017 When adolescent psychiatrist Drew Pate counsels patients or speaks to parenting groups, questions about social media use inevitably arise. Parents wonder whether their children’s constant use of Instagram,.....

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