About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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A Pause in International Students? The Atlantic - Mar 13, 2017 A new survey reveals that four in 10 U.S. colleges have experienced a decline in international applicants for the Fall 2017 term. The survey of around 250 colleges and universities—which will be released in its entirety later this month—was conducted in February by six higher-education groups ...
Turbulent Times for Enrollment Leaders Inside Higher Ed - Mar 9, 2017 Back in 2001, I worked in the New York University admissions office. We were very well positioned to have a terrific incoming class. Then Sept. 11 happened. ...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
6 Ways Proximity to Home Affects Your College Experience Her Campus - Mar 11, 2017 There are many things you should take into consideration when you’re narrowing down your college list––academics, housing, extracurricular activities and more! However, one of the most important factors to some collegiettes is your college’s proximity to home. ...
5 Admission Factors You Can’t Predict GoLocalProv College Admissions - Mar 14, 2017 As colleges release decisions this month, many families are puzzled by outcomes. Their child had GPA and SAT/ACT scores that fell within range for a specific college, participated in an array of extra-curricular activities, and spent hours perfecting applications and essays. ...
Getting Into College Is Now Easier, A Surprise For Most Students University Herald - Mar 11, 2017 There are always news and headlines about how the number of applications spike in prestigious colleges which trigger fear among many students. In reality, it is actually easier to get into these colleges than the previous years. ...
Campus Visits
Charlotte moms share lessons on campus visits Tribune News Service - Mar 13, 2017 Right about now, as the parents of sophomores and juniors are scheduling flights, renting cars, making hotel reservations and booking spring break campus tours, this whole “college thing” becomes eerily real ..
6 Things to Do Instead of Stressing About Acceptance Letters Her Campus - Mar 15, 2017 So, you’ve submitted all your college applications, sent out your reference letters, wrote your admissions essays, and paid your application fees. Now, all you can do is wait, and that’s just as stressful as completing all your materials on time ––if not more...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Mar 16, 2017 Essential Reading for School Counselors There’s a report floating around your state capitol that school counselors really need to read. As we were electing a new president last year, Congress managed to pass the Elementary and Secondary School Act, or ESSA. ESSA replaces the much-discussed No Child Left Behind Act, the legislation counselors knew as No Child Left Untested. Noble in its goals ,... More
7 Questions to Ask an Independent College Advisor TeenLife Blog - Mar 9, 2017 The decision to hire an independent college advisor is a difficult one. It’s extra time and money on top of whatever college counseling your student’s school may offer. But some students need the personal attention, whether it’s help organizing their high school resume, polishing a college essay. ...
Applying to College? Expect to Pay at Least This Much NerdWallet - Mar 14, 2017 College attendance costs get all the attention, but you’ll start paying for school when you begin the application process. Factoring in the costs of test preparation, test taking and applications, expect to spend at least $678 — and perhaps thousands more ...
Parent Anxiety, Screen Time And Learning In The Digital Age NPR.org - Mar 13, 2017 "If I can get them out the door with pants on, I feel like we've won the day."
A lot of parents can probably relate to those words from a stressed out dad, who's trying to deal with big issues of parenting amid the normal chaos of just getting them to school....
4 Common Questions, Answers About IB Assessments US News - Mar 13, 2017 Since early 2017, the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme has been offered at hundreds of American high schools. And students can reap many benefits from the IB curriculum, including potential college credit, rigorous coursework and a world-class education....
Drilling down into a college financial aid offer CBS News - Mar 13, 2017 If only choosing a college were as easy as picking a ripe fruit or vegetable. It’s complicated -- and often agonizing -- because of the financial aid offers that come along with acceptance packages. It’s often a apples and oranges kind of decision....
Appealing Financial Aid and Merit Scholarships Cappex Blog - Mar 15, 2017 Do you know how to appeal a financial aid award or appeal a merit scholarship?
Knowing how to appeal merit scholarships and need-based financial aid awards from colleges could ultimately save you thousands of dollars....
Applying For College Aid Just Got Harder NPR.org - Mar 15, 2017 The IRS Data Retrieval Tool is down. If those words don't send a shiver up your spine, it means you're not a high school senior or college student rushing to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA....
Don't say 'yes' to that college before you check the financial aid offer CNBC - Mar 9, 2017 Deciphering your financial aid offer Deciphering your financial aid offer High school seniors may already have their college acceptance letters and financial aid offers in hand, but there's no reason to rush on making an enrollment decision. Take time to assess those aid packages carefully. ...
Don't Get Fooled by Aid Offers Poughkeepsie Journal - Mar 11, 2017 Soon high school seniors will be receiving admission and financial aid notifications from those colleges and universities that typically send out final decisions later this month and in early April. ...
Activities may translate into college scholarships Poughkeepsie Journal - Mar 11, 2017 A recent ABC News story told of a Florida high school senior who was offered a combined total of more than a million dollars in scholarship money from the colleges to which she had applied. Yes, she was a great student. ...
Without IRS tool, families scramble to fill out financial aid forms Marketplace.org - Mar 13, 2017 It’s FAFSA season, when families apply for federal aid to pay for college. The IRS Data Retrieval Tool makes it easier for applicants to add the required tax information to their forms by transferring it directly from the IRS. Or it did. The IRS has suspended the service for several weeks,...
Career and Technical Education
Vocational education provides path to good jobs WPSD Local 6 - Mar 8, 2017 More people are going to college now than ever before. Next year, many college graduates could have a hard time finding work. Harvard University says one third of jobs in 2018 will require a four-year degree. The rest of them will require technical skills......
College Leaders Speak up for Aid Program Facing Cut US News - Mar 13, 2017 TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — New Jersey college officials are speaking out against a proposed funding cut to a financial aid program that has helped tens of thousands of disadvantaged students graduate....
Our View: Early college makes the most of Maine students Kennebec Journal & Morning Sentinel - Mar 12, 2017 In Maine, the demographic math is against us, and nowhere is that fact more apparent than in our schools — we simply don’t have enough high school graduates, or enough high school graduates going onto college, or enough college students earning a degree. ...
$34M boost for improvements at N.J. colleges NorthJersey.com - Mar 13, 2017 Gov. Chris Christie signed a law Monday that appropriates $34 million for facility improvements at New Jersey colleges and universities, including the renovation of an academic hall at William Paterson University and the conversion of a vacant warehouse owned by Passaic County Community College into a technology center. ...
Teen Dating
'Powerhouse' moves teens can use to prevent dating violence Deseret News - Mar 15, 2017 How you present yourself matters, so Susan Harrow teaches teenage girls to stand up straight and make good eye contact. She coaches them to speak with a forceful, no-nonsense voice. She talks about different faces. ...
UNH study reveals dating violence issue for teens Boston Herald - Mar 15, 2017 One in 10 New Hampshire teens were victims of dating violence within the past year, according to a new study that points to a need for better education across schools, researchers say.. ...

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