About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Similar students, different results: where black college students do best, and worst Hechinger Report - Mar 1, 2017 It seems it really does matter what college you go to, especially if you’re black. Colleges that say they can’t improve graduation rates for their black students because they enroll too many poor students or too many who are academically unprepared are sometimes just making excuses, a new report says...
Which Colleges Might Give You The Best Bang For Your Buck? NPR.org - Feb 26, 2017 The cost of college is high and rising, while a bachelor's degree is practically required to get ahead. It's hard enough for a family with means to get a student through school these days, let alone a low-income family...
It's Not Enough For Working Class Kids To Get Into College Forbes - Feb 26, 2017 The rising cost of higher education presents a huge obstacle to students from less advantaged backgrounds, but a new report suggests it’s not the lack of money that makes college tough for working class kids...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
College Advice: How I Read An Application Forbes - Feb 28, 2017 At this time of year, college admissions officers like me are bleary-eyed from weeks of reading applications. Many of us are now in committee sessions, determining which applicants will receive offers of admission. At the very few super-selective, single-digit-percentage-acceptance places, the process is Darwinian,...
Tips on college freshman admissions from a freshman The Watch Dog - Feb 23, 2017 While most Bellevue College students who want to attend a four-year university transfer, Running Start students must go through the freshman application process just like any other high school student if they want to attend a university in the fall after their senior year.....
4 Things I Would've Done Differently During My College Search Her Campus - Feb 26, 2017 High school seniors, I salute you. As if it isn’t enough to have to worry about making the most of the little time you have left with the people you’ve spent the last four or more years with, throwing in the need to master the SAT and graduate with an impressive GPA only adds fuel to the fire....
No need to stress out over college planning if you take it step by step Poughkeepsie Journal - Feb 24, 2017 Planning for college doesn't have to be stressful. Use time to your advantage to map out a realistic, methodical and personal plan. You should be actively involved in the planning and seek out sources of valuable information from your school guidance counselor, ...
Remove Barriers & Watch Applications Surge GoLocalProcv College Admissions - Feb 27, 2017 The stats would make most colleges and universities green with envy: Colby College applications up 90% since 2013, George Washington University up 28% for the Class of 2020 over the Class of 2019. Meanwhile, Harvard excitedly posts news about a 4.6% increase in applicants this year. Why are Colby and George Washington seeing these surges?....
Real Story Behind College Wait Lists The College Solution Blog - Feb 17, 2017 “The college invasion.” This is how my high school seniors describe the scene on our campus each fall. Admission visitors – like extraterrestrials – arrive in their rental cars with big smiles and stories of bright new worlds. Their message is always the same: “Take me to your leaders.”.....
Campus Visits
Preparing for a college visit The Philadelphia Tribune - Feb 28, 2017 Visiting campuses to help narrow down one’s choice is a great way to get a feel for the college or university. And when the time comes, it can help you decide if a specific college is right for you. Here are some tips to get the best out of your campus visit. ..
College Corner: College Tour Questions To Consider Falmouth Enterprise - Feb 23, 2017 For the last two articles, I focused on how a parent/student can create a college visit list. If that has not been accomplished by now, I recommend that you finish that project first. Try to resist the temptation to just jump forward to going on a visit, as each visit should be well prepared. ..
Students with Disabilities
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Mar 2, 2017 Reducing “Other Duties as Assigned” “For reasons that have never been clear, many schools either give the task of test coordination to counselors, or assume counselors do that as part of their job. ,... More
Today's School Counselors Tackle Much More Than Class Scheduling Baltimore Sun - Feb 23, 2017 Everything from scheduling classes to counseling suicidal teens is all in a day's work for a high school counselor.
Being ready for anything is the best way Webster Groves High School Counselor Ken Winingham can prepare for the day. ....
School counselors are not enough Baltimore Sun - Feb 27, 2017 Baltimore Mayor Catherine Pugh is calling for more psychologists in schools to help children "deal with fear and trauma" ("Pugh wants psychological services for Baltimore school students to cope with violence," Feb. 24).....
If You Want Your Kid to Help Pay for College, Read This TIME - Feb 28, 2017 You've been preparing your child for adult responsibilities for years. Now, in your kid's senior year of high school—college acceptances and financial aid offers in hand—you face a pivotal question about responsibility: How much money should your child raise for college, either through earnings or loans?...
College loans are making it harder for parents to retire MarketWatch - Feb 27, 2017 Take Harlan Crider, of Elverson, Pa.: He’s 79, and he’s still putting in about 40 hours a week doing property assessments. He’d rather retire, but he owes $400 a month on loans he took out to help pay for his son’s college....
College Board tightens SAT security around the globe to fight cheating Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Feb 24, 2017 In an effort to combat cheating, the College Board — the firm behind the SAT exam — announced new plans to tighten security. In a news release Tuesday, the firm wrote the new measures “constitute the most robust and direct actions taken by a college entrance exam provider.”...
ACT Adds July Date to Testing Schedule Education Week - Feb 28, 2017 ACT Inc. announced last week that it will begin offering a summer test date for the ACT college-admissions exam beginning next year. The move matches one by its rival, the College Board, which recently introduced a 2017 summer test date for its SAT exam....
Use Your PreACT, PSAT Performance to Choose a College Entrance Exam US News - Feb 27, 2017 Choosing between the ACT and SAT is a pivotal decision that all college-bound high school students must make. One of the key steps in reaching an informed decision is to sit for an official practice test – the PreACT or PSAT – which give you a better idea of what to expect when you take the official college entrance exams....
How to land scholarships few people know about CBS News - Feb 27, 2017 By now, many high school seniors have received financial aid offers from colleges. But far too many families think that means they’re done with the aid search.. ...
Financial aid tips for students York Dispatch - Feb 28, 2017 Although I am not a debt counselor, only pro actively help families and students navigate through and understand the financial aid process, I helped him to understand the potential ramifications if he chose to default on his loans. ...
Career and Technical Education
Here’s why vocational training is in high demand Marketplace - Feb 23, 2017 ALBANY, N.Y. >> If you are looking for a job, there is no better way to do it than armed with technical skills. According to business leaders, the state Department of Labor and a ManpowerGroup survey of employers, jobs in the skilled trades are the hardest to fill. In its 2015 Talent Shortage Survey, .....
100 years of secondary career prep success The Hill - Feb 27, 2017 What do sports medicine, cybersecurity, global marketing and environmental conservation all have in common? Thanks to today’s career and technical education (CTE), students have the opportunity to pursue classes in all these fields, along with dozens of others. However, CTE.....
Technical skills give jobseekers a leg up Troy Record - Feb 27, 2017 ALBANY, N.Y. >> If you are looking for a job, there is no better way to do it than armed with technical skills. According to business leaders, the state Department of Labor and a ManpowerGroup survey of employers, jobs in the skilled trades are the hardest to fill. In its 2015 Talent Shortage Survey, .....
Student Athletes
Public universities often help keep costs in check MyCentralJersey - Feb 23, 2017 New Jersey students seeking an affordable college education often assume that the best route is to choose an in-state public college or university. While it’s a great option to consider attending one of New Jersey’s 11 public colleges, it’s not the only way to go....
Social Media
Here's how teens use Snapchat Los Angeles Times - Feb 27, 2017 Snapchat could be valued at more than $20 billion in an initial public offering this week. But that lofty figure might rapidly sink if the app doesn’t keep adding users...

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