About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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College Admissions Process/Strategies
College Advice For Seniors Still Looking In May Forbes - May 2, 2017 This week the National Association for College Admission Counseling (www.nacacnet.org) will release its annual list of colleges that still have space available for the fall. If you or someone you love does not yet have a college that meets the “head, heart and wallet” test ...
5 Questions to Ask Career Services GoLocalProv College Admissions - May 1, 2017 As the Class of 2017 prepares to graduate from college, many families are disappointed with job prospects. However, the problem really began 4 or 5 years earlier. Too often, high schoolers focus on a “big name”, sports team enthusiasm, the beauty of a campus, suite style dorm rooms, sushi bars or access to a city...
The agony of indecision is over for seniors Tribune News Service - May 2, 2017 D-day, or Decision Day, or what is formally known as National Decision Day, May 1, is finally in the rear-view mirror. Some high school seniors were accepted at their dream schools and put down their deposit before putting down their acceptance letters. ...
As Decision Day Looms, Students Struggle With College Choices WGBH.org - OnCampus - Apr 30, 2017 Monday marks the decision deadline for many high school seniors deciding where to go to college. As students ponder their choices, worrying about details like average class sizes and the types of majors offered at different schools, ...
Financial aid is key to the final and often tough choice of colleges EdSource - Apr 30, 2017 Decision day is finally here. The SAT exam and anxious cramming are past. Admissions application essays and financial aid forms were submitted months ago. And the happy acceptances and painful rejections from colleges and universities are in hand. ...
Campus Visits
How To Learn More During The College Tour Forbes - May 3, 2017 It’s high season for college tours. As you meander around each campus, think about how to make the visit meaningful for you and your child. Every school has a scripted version of what they think you should know, but often you will find that the tours simply regurgitate the brochure.....
These Four Websites Can Help Round Out College Campus Visits Forbes - Apr 28, 2017 It took 1.23 seconds for Google to deliver approximately 166,000,000 results for the search term "college tours," so you can imagine how much advice there is about the usefulness of visiting colleges during the research process. More and more, campus visits are promoted as being essential to students' and families' ....
Diversity Fly-in Programs Make Campus Visits Accessible US News - May 1, 2017 College diversity programs that pay for high-achieving high school seniors – who are usually low-income, first-generation or students of color – to visit campus, give teens who can't afford to travel out of state for a college tour the opportunity to try the college experience. ....
Students with Disabilities
The Path to Higher Education With an Intellectual Disability The Atlantic - May 1, 2017 CLEMSON, South Carolina—Like many college students pestered by nosy relatives, Sydney Davis, a sophomore, is not exactly forthcoming when her boyfriend comes up in conversation. The couple has been together two years, Davis says with the exasperated tone of a young adult clearly trying to change the subject.....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - May 4, 2017 Improve College Readiness by Creating a Class If you’re helping kids find ways to pay for college, there’s brand new data to help your efforts. A study spearheaded by The Common Application, in conjunction with researchers at University of Virginia, Harvard, and University of Pittsburgh... More
4 Things We Don't Know About AP Tests NPR.org - May 1, 2017 This week and next is a national rite of passage for stressed-out overachievers everywhere. Nearly 3 million high school students at 22,000 high schools will be sitting down to take their Advanced Placement exams.,...
College-Bound Students Shouldn’t Always Test Out of Classes US News - May 1, 2017 For many high school students, using Advanced Placement or International Baccalaureate credits to skip 100-level college courses and move straight to the heart of major-specific studies is a no-brainer. After all, why take a class in college that you have already passed in high school,...
How to decipher financial aid offers from colleges Daily Herald - Apr 30, 2017 It's closing in on the end of April, and that means for this year's high school seniors planning to attend college next fall it is time to make their final decision by the traditional May 1 deposit date. For those who didn't commit early to a campus, the acceptances (or rejections) ,...
Career and Technical Education
The Future of Jobs and Jobs Training Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project - May 3, 2017 As robots, automation and artificial intelligence perform more tasks and there is massive disruption of jobs, experts say a wider array of education and skills-building programs will be created to meet new demands. ..
When a College Degree Isn't Enough The Atlantic - Apr 25, 2017 SEATTLE—Last June, Martin Chibwe, a computer-science major, graduated from Evergreen State College, in Olympia, Washington, a liberal-arts campus with a hipster ethos that shuns letter grades and urges exploration ..
Free Tuition in New York Adds Powerful Pull at Decision Deadline New York Times - Apr 30, 2017 PURCHASE, N.Y. — For its recent accepted-students day, Purchase College, part of the State University of New York, had the usual array of inducements aimed at persuading admitted high school seniors to attend, including tours, sample classes and a jazz trio serenading families during lunch. ..
Vermont ranks fifth best for public education Vermont Business - Apr 27, 2017 Vermont Business Magazine SmartAsset, a national data aggregator, has ranked Vermont the fifth best for K-12 education, making an overall grade of "A-," largely based on the state spending more per child than any other state. Nationwide, the average public school revenue per student enrolled during the 2014-2015 school year was $12,578.. ..
Teen Depression
’13 Reasons Why’ is provocative and devastating. Is it also dangerous? PBS Newshour - May 2, 2017 Netflix’s new drama “13 Reasons Why” centers on a teenage girl’s suicide. And although the show may bring awareness to mental health issues, some worry the depiction strays from entertainment to pose a threat to impressionable students. William Brangham explores the controversy with Dr. Christina Conolly of Maryland’s Montgomery County Public Schools and Variety’s Sonia Saraiya. ...

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