About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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The Students the Lists Leave Out Inside Higher Ed - Oct 24, 2017 The emphasis on the uniqueness of each incoming class in annual lists of student worldviews perpetuates the assumption that the college population is mainly composed of recent high school graduates, writes Hollis Phelps.. ..
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Holistic Review Is Just One Part Of The College Admission Process Forbes - Oct 19, 2017 Today's college admission word is "holistic," which means the same thing as "comprehensive" but sounds a lot trendier. Schools that have been reading students' applications thoroughly for years now describe what they do as "holistic evaluations," ...
Application Essays: What Works and What Doesn’t Jewish Link of New Jersey - Oct 19, 2017 Writing the application essay is one of the most stressful parts of the college application process. Students are tasked with the job of writing a compelling essay that is authentic and unique while trying to convince a stranger they are worthy of admittance. ....
Students with Disabilities
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Oct 26, 2017 Counselors Can Help Students? Yes, They Can. That Isn’t New News IThe most popular school counseling piece I ever wrote was for National School Counseling Week, where I talked about the behind-the-scenes work school counselors had done to help out a student struggling with an eating disorder,... More
School counselors are a valuable resource for parents and students My Valley News - Oct 24, 2017 School counselors are certainly incredibly busy people, but a parents’ job is to make sure that they are even busier this school year. Not by creating busy work, rather parents and students should take advantage of all that school counselors have to offer.. ...
Why Parents Make Flawed Choices About Their Kids' Schooling The Atlantic - Oct 18, 2017 A person trying to choose their next set of wheels might see that car A made it farther than car B in a road test and assume it gets better gas mileage. But that’s only true if the two tanks are filled with the same substance. ...
Why do U.S. News rankings punish test-optional colleges? Watertown Daily Times - Oct 23, 2017 Every year around this time U.S. News & World Report issues its ranked list of America’s “best” colleges. And every year an inevitable handwringing ensues – among academics, anyway – about what the rankings mean,..
College Testing: How Filling in Bubbles Impacts Your Future TAPinto.net - Oct 24, 2017 I don’t think there’s a student out there enjoying the standardized testing experience. Likewise, I’ve never met either a high school or college professional that thinks the tests are particularly wonderful or feel very confident,..
Don’t make these mistakes when seeking financial aid Tribune News Service - Oct 23, 2017 D-Day, or Deadline Day, for Early Decision applicants and a variety of Early Action options is just a week away on Nov. 1. Just after that crunch deadline is when many high school seniors will hopefully take a breath and perhaps even take a short-term break from college applications, since the next big deadline isn’t usually until Jan. 1. ....
To Maximize College Financial Aid, Timing Is Key Wall Street Journal - Oct 20, 2017 If you want to get the most financial aid for your child’s freshman year of college, don’t wait until his or her senior year of high school to make important financial moves.. ....
10 Colleges That Give Merit Aid to the Most Students US News - Oct 24, 2017 One way to help close the gap between college savings and any need-based aid is with merit aid. Merit aid, sometimes referred to as non-need-based aid, comes into play when colleges....
Career and Technical Education
Teen Dating
Teaching kids about healthy relationships Washington Post - Oct 25, 2017 In Pennsylvania, a budget stalemate — one that’s been going on for more than three months now — is threatening millions of dollars that some universities count on to lower their in-state tuition. The state’s legislature adopted the budget over the summer,.. ..

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