About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by High School Counselor Marketing.
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Editor's Note
There will be no HSCW published next week due to travel. We'll publish again on 03/22/2018
Big Picture
What If America Didn't Have Public Schools? The Atlantic - Mar 4, 2018 On a crisp fall morning, parents lined the school’s circular driveway in Audis, BMWs and Land Rovers, among other luxury SUVs, to drop their high-schoolers off at Detroit Country Day School. ....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Be savvy – don’t be fooled by a college’s sticker price Tribune News Service - Mar 6, 2018 No one will question that the price of a college education seems out of control. Sticker prices have risen faster than inflation, and according to US News and World Report, over the last 20 years, “the average tuition and fees at private National Universities have jumped 157 percent...
Getting Rejected From Elite Universities The College Solution Blog - Mar 5, 2018 his is the time of year when elite universities, which have kept applicants in suspense for months, notify teenagers of their admission decisions. Most of these applicants are going to be terribly disappointed, but I want to EMPHASIZE that the majority of teenagers get into their first choice school. ...
10 Things College Rankings Won't Tell You Her Campus - Mar 3, 2018 When looking online for information about colleges, one of the most referenced websites is the U.S. News & World Report. While it is a great website for getting information about applying and general statistics,. ...
Letters of Recommendation
College Advice: Getting Great Recommendations Forbes - Feb 28, 2018 High School juniors: If you want a recommendation from a teacher that will not help your case for admission, here’s some good advice: Do nothing to impress your teachers. Letters from teachers actually help admissions committees gauge your seriousness of purpose in class ....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Mar 8, 2018 A Better Way to do Scheduling? Take it Away From Counselors Here in the Midwest, the beginning of the high school basketball playoffs are upon us, and the last of the potential snow days flirt with our hopes that we could earn one more unexpected, but badly needed, day off. .. More
Helping an Applicant Stretch His Ethnic Identity Inside Higher Ed - Mar 5, 2018 College counselor finds herself doubting an applicant whose wealthy parents see his Latin American grandmother (whom he hasn't met) as a route to being admitted to a top college ....
What parents should know about the National School Walkout USA Today - Mar 6, 2018 As students across the nation prepare to walk out of schools March 14, some parents are questioning how best to support their children. The National School Walkout, a protest taking place in hundreds of locations, has become a topic of controversy as some schools vow not to suppor...
Yes, college coaches do evaluate parents USA Today HSS - Mar 6, 2018 If the term “helicopter parent” tells us anything, it’s that parents are involved in the college decision-making process now more than ever—and coaches are taking notice.....
Learn How to Master SAT Reading, Writing Graphics US News - Mar 5, 2018 Informational graphics like charts, graphs and tables appear on several sections of the redesigned SAT, such as the reading and writing portions. This can intimidate some students taking the college entrance exam,....
College Admissions: Preparing to Test Your Abilities VOA News - Mar 5, 2018 For many would-be college students, testing is the most difficult part of the undergraduate application process. Applicants sit for hours taking tests. They answer questions about a number of subjects, ....
How to Check Your FAFSA Status Quickly and Easily Student Loan Hero (blog) - Mar 7, 2018 So you’ve started or completed the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and now you’re wondering what the heck happened to it. Well, checking your FAFSA status is easier than you think. Here’s how you can get started....
Completing the FAFSA: Everything You Should Know US News - Mar 1, 2018 Filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, known as the FAFSA, is one of the most important steps students and their families can take to pay for college.....
College Corner: Successful Appeal Tips Cape News - Mar 2, 2018 As we discussed last week, parents and students are beginning to receive the college financial aid award letters. If the letter is not what you had expected, then this article should be of value to you as you might want to appeal the letter......
Jane Young: Ways to maximize financial aid for college Colorado Springs Gazette - Mar 1, 2018 With the high cost of attending college, maximizing financial aid is essential toward building a strong financial future. FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) is the largest provider of needs-based financial aid for more than 13 million students through grants,...
Career and Technical Education
Teen Depression
New guidelines help doctors tackle teen depression Medical News Today - Mar 1, 2018 The American Academy of Pediatrics are set to release their first updated guidelines regarding teenage mental health in 10 years. They hope to catch mental health issues earlier and, therefore, intervene more successfully..
Our teens are in crisis; here’s what we can do Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Mar 3, 2018 Adolescence is often a rocky journey as boys and girls make the difficult transition from childhood to adulthood. The transition, emotionally, socially and physically, can be painful... ..

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