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Deferred – when a student is rejected from the first round (early decision/early action) of admissions, but will be considered for the main round (regular decision)
How to Deal with Early Decision News, Good or Bad Her Campus - Dec 21, 2017 If you’re applying to schools early, you’re likely to be feeling anxious about recent or upcoming deadlines, as well as the prospect of upcoming acceptance or deferral letters. First of all, congratulate yourself! You’re dealing with the college process at the speed of light...
Strategies For Dealing With Early Decision Deferrals Forbes - Dec 19, 2017 You had your heart set on that one amazing college, that one stellar university, and you applied Early Decision or Early Action. It's a great chance to get noticed in a smaller pool than the one that'll overflow in Regular Decision..
Strategies For Dealing With Early Decision Deferrals Forbes - Dec 19, 2017 You had your heart set on that one amazing college, that one stellar university, and you applied Early Decision or Early Action. It's a great chance to get noticed in a smaller pool than the one that'll overflow in Regular Decision.....
How to Rise Up from a College Rejection Like a Queen Her Campus - Dec 20, 2017 As your first senior semester comes to a close, your first round of college decisions has started rolling in. While some of you may have received letters that feel like early Christmas presents, some of you may have gotten your first college rejection letter....
Denied College Admission? Should You Appeal? Pleasanton Weekly - Dec 8, 2017 Paul was denied admission to a private college that he, his parents, and high school counselor all had agreed matched his interests and academic profile. The question the parents asked me was “Should we appeal the decision?”....
College Advice: Early Decision As Reality Therapy Forbes - Dec 7, 2017 As legions of teenagers around the world anxiously await Early Decisions from colleges and universities — including here at Drew University where we are currently up more than 30% in applications over a year ago....
You got into college early. Or not. Now what? Houston Chronicle - Dec 6, 2017 When it comes to college admissions decisions, the late, great Tom Petty really knew what he was talking about when he sang that the waiting was the hardest part....
What students should do while they're waitlisted Los Altos Online - Nov 22, 2017 Congratulations on submitting your college applications. You may be receiving notice from your early-action and early-decision schools, so now is the time to begin your decision-making process....
4 Things To Do While Waiting For Early Admissions GoLocalProv College Admissions - Nov 6, 2017 Many parents and students are anxiously awaiting the first round of college admission responses. Early action and early decision acceptances are usually returned around December 15, but some colleges will send them out sooner and some will go later. ....
Making Sense of Admissions Decisions Huffington Post - Nov 7, 2017 was traveling yesterday when I heard from one of my students. He applied to an Early Decision program which notifies students as decisions are made instead of waiting until December 15th to notify everyone....
Early Applications Should Be More Passion Than Strategy Forbes - Nov 1, 2017 Boo! Tomorrow, November 1, is the first major early decision deadline for a number of colleges and universities. Accordingly, the Common Application's website was as jammed as the L.A. freeway at rush hour last night and had to close down to regroup and untangle itself.....
When Should You Apply to College? Huffington Post - Oct 26, 2017 This will hinge on the school’s application policy. It is critical for you to understand how schools review their applications. Do not rush an application just to apply early. If your essay is not as polished as it could be, or you are taking the SAT or ACT ....
Why Early Action and Decision Matter GoLocalProv College Admissions - Sep 26, 2017 In the last decade, early admission programs have become an increasingly important aspect of college admissions. Many colleges are filling 30-70% of their freshman class via Early Action or Early Decision. ...
Early decision shouldn’t be an easy decision Tribune News-Service - Sep 12, 2017 One of the least favorite things a guidance counselor likes to hear from a senior in September or October is, “I am going to apply early decision, I just don’t know where.”...
The agony of indecision is over for seniors Tribune News Service - May 2, 2017 D-day, or Decision Day, or what is formally known as National Decision Day, May 1, is finally in the rear-view mirror. Some high school seniors were accepted at their dream schools and put down their deposit before putting down their acceptance letters. ...
As Decision Day Looms, Students Struggle With College Choices WGBH.org - OnCampus - Apr 30, 2017 Monday marks the decision deadline for many high school seniors deciding where to go to college. As students ponder their choices, worrying about details like average class sizes and the types of majors offered at different schools, ...
Financial aid is key to the final and often tough choice of colleges EdSource - Apr 30, 2017 Decision day is finally here. The SAT exam and anxious cramming are past. Admissions application essays and financial aid forms were submitted months ago. And the happy acceptances and painful rejections from colleges and universities are in hand. ...
Undergrads Share College Decision Day Strategies US News - Apr 25, 2017 After months of college application tasks and an anxious waiting period, high school seniors are starting to receive college acceptance letters. Many students may be relieved, but the hard work isn’t necessarily over. ...
Choosing between Brand Name Colleges and Low-Cost Public Colleges Cappex - The College Solution Blog - Apr 21, 2017 You’ve worked super hard and your stress levels has gone off the charts. Then finally, it arrives. Your admission letter is finally here. And you been… ACCEPTED!!! Congrats pre-collegiette! You may think your work is done, your future is secured and it’s time to finally kick back and relax (hello, Netflix!), ...
5 ways to make college more affordable College USA Today - Apr 21, 2017 The wait is almost over: you know which colleges and universities have accepted your application. But there’s one more hurdle to cross: figuring out how to pay for your degree. ...
National Universities Where Wait-Listed Applicants Get In US News - Apr 18, 2017 For some applicants, being placed on a college waitlist is discouraging. For others, it might provide some hope that they will still be admitted.When an applicant is wait-listed, there's still a chance of getting in, depending on whether space becomes available in the incoming class....
College Decision Involves Head, Heart & Wallet Forbes - Apr 16, 2017 Between now and May Day, high school seniors will make college enrollment decisions. As we host unprecedented numbers of visitors where I work at Drew University, I have had numerous conversations with teenagers and the adults who support them. .....
Decisions, decisions: Choosing a college Concord Monitor - Apr 16, 2017 Despite a decade of parenting, this week I made a rookie mistake. In the days leading up to the Easter holiday, I took my daughter into Granite State Candy Shop. With the sweet aroma of fresh chocolate and sugar taunting her senses, I.....
Coping with college rejection letters Pacific Daily News - Apr 9, 2017 After four years of striving for excellent grades, dedicating their free hours to extracurricular activities and spending time doing community service, seniors are getting responses from the colleges and universities to which they applied....
What do to when you’re in wait-list purgatory Tribune News Service - Apr 10, 2017 The dreaded wait-list. You weren’t rejected, but you weren’t accepted either. The wait-list means the colleges like you well-enough, they just don’t love you enough to accept you. They want to keep you hanging on until they find out if they’re loved back by the students they did choose to accept....
7 Things to Do After Accepting a College Her Campus - Apr 5, 2017 It’s finally over. After weeks of debating with your parents and constantly listing pros and cons of colleges in your head, you’ve finally made a decision. It’s not easy to choose where you’ll be spending the next four years of your life...
The Most Painful Words of the Admissions Season VOA - Mar 31, 2017 For many, a rejection letter from a college they had hoped to attend is the first big disappointment of their young lives. Many colleges add the “we wish you much success” line at the end of the already crushing rejection. ...
Can a Wait-Listed Student Still Get Accepted to College? Wall Street Journal -- VIDEO - Mar 30, 2017 Ivy League school applicants receive acceptance and rejection letters this week, but many students will wind up in the limbo of the college wait-list. College Essay Advisors founder Stacey Brook and WSJ's Tanya Rivero discuss tips for students on surviving the wait-list period and how their parents can counsel them. ...
So your college app was rejected ... Pacific Daily News - Mar 31, 2017 You spent hours filling out college applications, writing and rewriting essays, studying for and taking the SAT or ACT, stressed out for months waiting to hear back from admissions. But then you got rejected. So now what do you do? ...
Students selecting a college increasingly consider long-term job prospects, debt Chicago Tribune - Mar 31, 2017
It had to come to this. For years, high school seniors hoping to go to college in the fall fixated on getting into their dream college. But that's changed. Students still are thinking about their campus visits and hoping to immerse themselves in a college culture that seems to best fit who they are ...
THE THIN ENVELOPE MTV -- Diary of a Professional Teen - Mar 31, 2017 I got rejected from my dream school on December 15, 2006. The date is forever seared into my brain the way that Sriracha stain is permanently seared into my white pillow case. I got rejected from my dream school on December 15, 2006. The date is forever seared into my brain the way that Sriracha stain is permanently seared into my white pillow case....
How To Keep From Choosing The Wrong College GoLocalProv College Admissions - Mar 27, 2017 April 1 is just one week away, and most college acceptances will soon be received by anxious high school seniors. Often, students and parents have a difficult time making a decision. While a “gut feeling” based on a campus information session and tour is one good factor to consider, there is other information that needs to be considered.. ...
Turning Down Top Choices Inside Higher Ed - Mar 23, 2017 Every year, prospective students receive offers to attend their college or university of choice. And every year, some of them turn down those offers. Common wisdom holds that cost is a major factor in those students' decisions. And new data from a private company provide insight into how much of a role costs play in turning students away from their top choice for college. ...
A College Rejection Meltdown In 5 Emails WBUR.org - Mar 23, 2017 Dear Mrs. Williams: While I certainly understand how disappointing it can be to receive undesirable news, I did want to follow up on your most recent email to reassure you that there was not “some kind of mix-up” . ...
5 Things to Keep in Perspective During College Admissions Season Her Campus - Mar 22, 2017 It's that time of year again — college admissions season. Whether you're super excited or super nervous about heading off to college, there are some things to keep in perspective when you're waiting to hear back from the schools you applied to. We talked to current collegiettes about what they wish . ...
So your college application was rejected – now what? USA Today - Mar 23, 2017 You spent hours filling out college applications, writing and rewriting essays, studying for and taking the SAT or ACT, stressed out for months waiting to hear back from admissions. But then you got rejected. So now what do you do?...
When Are College Admissions Decisions Released? Huffington Post - Mar 23, 2017 If you are like thousands of other high school seniors at this time, you are repeatedly clicking refresh waiting for your college admissions decisions. Fortunately, the wait is almost over!...
5 Ways for Seniors to Prepare for Admission Decisions Huffington Post - Mar 6, 2017 advance preparation during the college admissions process can help students feel more confident and in control, the same can be said for preparing for admission decisions before they’re released....
Don't Ask a Stressed-Out Student About Their College Plans Wall Street Journal Live - Mar 6, 2017 What stresses high school seniors more than the college application process? Adults asking them about their grades, college choices and their SAT scores. WSJ's Sue Shellenbarger and Tanya Rivero discuss how high school seniors are handling the anxiety over college admissions...
Real Story Behind College Wait Lists The College Solution Blog - Feb 17, 2017 “The college invasion.” This is how my high school seniors describe the scene on our campus each fall. Admission visitors – like extraterrestrials – arrive in their rental cars with big smiles and stories of bright new worlds. Their message is always the same: “Take me to your leaders.”.....
What We Learn From Kids Who Don’t Get Into Their Dream College Huffington Post - Feb 3, 2017 “Deny” was the most spoken and written word in my vocabulary when I worked in selective college admissions. “Waitlist” was second, with “defer” not far behind. The least likely word I used for the greater part of my career was “admit.” ...
Deferred, what are your options? Villager Publishing - Feb 8, 2017 Do you have any suggestions for a student who was deferred from an Ivy but would like to do anything possible to be in the running for a spot in next fall’s freshman class? Her grades and test scores are excellent. She’s a diligent, intellectual student and is dedicated to her community service. ...
What To Do When Your Dream School Says, 'I'm Not That Into You' Forbese - Jan 25, 2017 Amid the holiday season celebrations many students found out whether they’d been accepted, rejected or deferred from a first choice college. If the news wasn’t good, it can deal a tough blow. There’s nothing quite as crushing as unrequited love ...
I’ve been deferred, now what do I do? 10 Do’s and Don’ts Tribune News Service - Jan 23, 2017 Many colleges and universities loudly and proudly proclaim they are committed to admitting more low-income students. The institutions are sincere, but despite the best of intentions, many of their policies act as barriers to keep most low-income students out, including those students with outstanding academic records...
Colleges Should Abandon Early Admissions Inside Higher Ed - Jan 12, 2017 Many colleges and universities loudly and proudly proclaim they are committed to admitting more low-income students. The institutions are sincere, but despite the best of intentions, many of their policies act as barriers to keep most low-income students out, including those students with outstanding academic records...
How To Deal With Rejection From Your Dream School University-Herald - Jan 14, 2017 A lot of high school seniors spend their final years in high school preparing to enter their dream college. However, there is the hard fact that despite all the preparation, there is the possibility of being rejected. What would you do if you are one of those who experienced this rejection?...
College Rejection Great Neck Record - Jan 18, 2017 Heart racing, pits sweating, hands trembling, so much anticipation had been building up to this moment—I could barely open the email without misclicking. It wasn’t so much the school, but the bigger manifestation of early-decision acceptance...
Getting a College Admission Deferral The College Solution Blog - Jan 1, 2017 What happens if your child recently received a college admission deferral letter? Plenty of students, who applied to schools via early action and early decision applications, have received deferral notices..
College-bound? Here’s a refresher on early admission Boston Globe - Dec 27, 2016 The college acceptance season is officially under way, as schools have released early admission numbers for the class of 2021. Here is a refresher on early admission, which is offered by about 450 US colleges. There are two early admission approaches. What’s the difference?..
Early Decision Is Only One Of Many Facets In College Admission Forbes - Dec 30, 2016 You may recall the fable of the six blind men and the elephant: One, at the tail, said it was a rope; another at a leg said it was a column; another at the trunk said it was like a solid pipe; and so on. Of course they were all right, but they were also all wrong..
When You Don't Get In Poughkeepsie Journal - Dec 28, 2016 By now, most high school seniors who’ve applied to colleges via an Early Action (EA) and/or Early Decision (ED) plan have learned whether they’ve been admitted to next fall's freshman class. It's tough when students discover that, despite their best efforts, they didn't get in..
The Plague of ‘Early Decision’ New York Times - Dec 21, 2016 As the moment of judgment neared, they barely slept, convinced that their very futures were on the line. Dread consumed them. Panic overwhelmed them.
If you've been deferred, do these 6 things USA Today - Dec 16, 2016 The early decision and early action results started getting released last week — earlier than in previous years. If you were deferred from your “early” choice college and you desperately still want to go ..
How to Deal with Early Decision News, Good or Bad Her Campus - Dec 7, 2016 If you’re applying to schools early, you’re likely to be feeling anxious about recent or upcoming deadlines, as well as the prospect of upcoming acceptance or deferral letters. First of all, congratulate yourself! ...
6 Last-Minute Tips for Early Action and Early Decision Applicants Huffington Post - Dec 8, 2016 Crunch time for Early Action and Early Decision applicants can be overwhelming. Remember, however, that you have already made the most difficult decision—where to apply to school. And if you are accepted, you will be done with the entire college application process well ahead of your peers.....
Admitted Early Action? Congratulations! And Next Steps Pleasanton Weekly - Dec 8, 2016 As the holiday season approaches college-bound seniors, who have demonstrated enthusiasm, thoroughness and efficiency by getting their college applications in the early application cycle, may find good news in their mailboxes, online or on paper....
How to Deal with Early Decision News, Good or Bad Her Campus - Dec 7, 2016 If you’re applying to schools early, you’re likely to be feeling anxious about recent or upcoming deadlines, as well as the prospect of upcoming acceptance or deferral letters. ....
Regroup After an Early Admission College Rejection US News - Dec 5, 2016 There are two potential advantages to early decision and early action. If it succeeds, you gain entry to your first-choice college with a single application. If not, you gain valuable data that will improve your regular admissions chances....
College Admissions: Handling Early Admission Rejection GoLocalProv College Admissions Expert - Nov 23, 2016 For many seniors around the country, early admission returns have begun to roll in. For some, it is a time of exuberance because they have been accepted to their first choice college. But for others, it is a time of exasperation over deferrals, or worse, disappointment over rejection...
Revise Your College Admissions Essay for Reapplication Success US News - Nov 28, 2016 Did your dream college reject your carefully crafted early action or early decision application? This is the bad news – but the good news is that, although rejection hurts, you have a second chance to reapply and restate your case with the regular application pool....
College Admissions: 4 Things To Do While Waiting For Early Admissions GoLocalProv College Admissions Nov 7, 2016 Many parents and students are anxiously awaiting the first round of college admission responses. Early action and early decision acceptances are usually returned around December 15, but some colleges will send them out sooner and some will go later. What many parents don’t realize is that this time period sets the tone for the remainder of senior year. ..
Last opportunity to apply Early Decision - November 1 News Tribune Oct 27, 2016 This is it. Many students have either just made or will be making the big decision whether or not to apply Early Decision (ED) within the next day or so; November 1 at 11:59pm is the official deadline for most colleges and universities with an ED application option.. ..
Should I Apply Early Decision? The College Solution Blog - Oct 28, 2016 This is the time of year when high school seniors aiming for prestigious colleges and universities must decide if they will apply early decision. ..
5 Steps to Boost Your Early Action College Apps VOA News - Nov 1, 2016 Breathing easier after November college admissions deadlines have passed? But wait … here are a few actions you can take to further improve your chances of acceptance! ..
What Happens to Students Who Back Out of Early Decision Offers US News - Oct 24, 2016 Students accepted to college via early decision are able to nail down their postgraduation plans well ahead of their peers and enjoy the remainder of high school stress-free. But teens generally must attend a school if they get in via early decision. ..
Why Early Action and Decision Matter GoLocalProv College Admissions - Sep 26, 2016 n the last decade, early admission programs have become an increasingly important aspect of college admissions. Many colleges are filling 30-70% of their freshman class via Early Action or Early Decision. So, students who wait to apply during Regular Decision are competing with far more students for a much smaller number of seats.....
Applying Early … Choices with Risks and Rewards Tribune News Serrvice - Sep 9, 2016 Applying early, does it make sense? Ready or not, the college application season has begun. And early or not is the question. I know I'm not the only one who feels the college application process seems to be creeping earlier each year....
When wait lists become abusive DC College Admissions Examiner - Apr 11, 2016 The National Association of College Admission Counselors (NACAC) specifically asks colleges to provide each waitlisted student with a fair assessment of their odds of being offered admission....
The wait list - is it worth it? DC College Admissions Examiner - Apr 6, 2016 For the admissions office, it's a kind of pressure relief valve - useful for controlling the flow of students admitted to the institution. But for the applicant who has waited six long months for a decision, the wait list feels like a one-way ticket to nowhere....
What to do if you’re waitlisted from your dream college Boston.com - Apr 06, 2016 When it comes to college admissions, there’s the “yes,” the answer that’s filled with congratulatory, “we can’t wait to have you” Snapchats and big packets overflowing with information for the upcoming school year. ....
The wait list—is it worth it? DC College Admissions Examiner - Apr 6, 2016 For the admissions office, it’s a kind of pressure relief valve—useful for controlling the flow of students admitted to the institution. But for the applicant who has waited six long months for a decision, the wait list feels like a one-way ticket to nowhere....
Wait-list Fundamentals Charlotte Observer - Apr 04, 2016 The wait-list, commonly referred to as “admissions purgatory” is that ugly and uncomfortable gray area – they didn’t like you enough to accept you and they didn’t hate you enough to reject you.....
Getting Past A College Rejection Forbes - Apr 4, 2016 If anyone knows about rejection, it’s actors. Whether they’re in theater, opera or film, neighborhood playhouses, La Scala or Batman v Superman, they’ve experienced over and over the pain of being told “no” by producers and directors. It’s not a disembodied rejection, either....
Stunned at College Rejections The College Solution Blog - Mar 28, 2016 I've been getting emails from parents, who are bitter that their bright teenagers have been getting rejection letters from elite colleges and universities. What follows are two email excerpts. From a dad named Jeff:...
3 Ways to Get Into a College That Rejected You TIME - Mar 25, 2016 More than half of all colleges offer at least one kind of alternative admissions option for students who don't quite make the cut for regular fall admissions. But each of the three main kinds of alternatives has both advantages and drawbacks, such as potentially higher costs, as you'll see below....
College rejection a distant fear as life's lessons take hold Chicago Tribune - Mar 25, 2016 This is the story of a woman who feared her life was ruined when she was rejected by the college of her dreams. Her name is Ashley Bunnell, and in 2003, after getting a rejection letter from Dartmouth College, she wrote me in search of what she called "perspective."....
How to Get Off A College's Wait List Huffingtn Post - Mar 25, 2016 The college admissions season is coming to a quick end, and by April 1st, all students will know whether or not they got accepted to their colleges. Some students, however, receive a much more confusing, less understood decision: waitlisted....
6 Terrible Reasons to Choose a College TeenLife Blog - Feb 28, 2016 Congratulations! You have gone through the process of applying to a number of different colleges, and now you are beginning to receive acceptance letters. But when faced with a decision that can shape the rest of your life, what do you do? Which school do you choose?....
5 Questions to Ask Before Deciding on a College Huffington Post - Mar 1, 2016 Choosing between colleges can be a daunting task. Regardless of what admissions representatives and websites claim, you owe it to yourself to dig deep to determine what your experience will truly entail....
5 ways to rebound if rejected by your top-choice school USA Today - College - Feb 27, 2016 If you’ve been served a few college rejection letters this application season, you’re not alone — especially if your sights are set on a top-tier school. Just shy of 95% of applicants to Stanford University were rejected in 2014,...
There may be a back door into your college of choice MyCentralJersey - Feb 25, 2016 Students who have their heart set on a particular college are often devastated if they do not receive a thick “acceptance letter” in the mail full of all the particulars for Accepted Students Day, choosing a dorm, and preparing for all aspects of life on campus...
How to Avoid Having Your College Acceptance Rescinded Her Campus - Feb 19, 2016 “Dear Pre-collegiette, Congratulations! On behalf of Awesome University…” Phew! You can breathe a sigh of relief, because you’re in. Now that you’ve gotten that acceptance letter, your future is safe, and you can finally take a break from school for the first time in 14 years.....
The Waitlist: Colleges' Safety Valve, Students' Purgatory Forbes - Feb 22, 2016 At this moment in the middle of winter, admission officers at four-year colleges and universities everywhere are deep into reading season. They’re combing through hundreds or thousands of applications to find students with the talents and abilities to power their campuses...
Facing down a deferral DC College Admissions Examiner - Dec 30, 2015 Harvard College deferred 4673 applicants to regular decision out of 6173 students who applied “single-choice” early action this fall. Brown deferred 63 percent of its 3030 binding early decision candidates, while MIT deferred 4776 of its 7767 early action applicants and Yale deferred 53 percent of its early applicants.....
More students apply early for college Atlanta Journal-Constitution - Dec 25, 2015 MacKenzie Tobin thought the cameras were filming her lab partner so she made sure to give them space. School administrators told students the crew was there from a state magazine to interview students and highlight the school for their academic achievements. Little did Tobin know, it was all a ruse: The crew was from the University of Georgia and they were there for her...
You Were Deferred by Your Top College—What Now? TIME - Dec 18, 2015 First, don’t despair. Next, make sure your application to that college, and any others, is as strong as it can be. As the first round of college acceptance letters arrives in mailboxes this month, thousands of applicants will find themselves in limbo. They weren’t admitted or denied, but deferred....
I got rejected from my first choice school, now what? USA Today - Dec 20, 2015 When your name is Patrick Sean O’Brien, you were born in South Bend, Ind. and your grandfather, older brother and older sister all attended Notre Dame, it is very easy to assume that you are going to be accepted to the school. Until you are not...
7 Ways to Stay Calm When Waiting for College Decisions Her Campus - Dec 15, 2015 You do a ton of work applying to college— prepping for the SAT, gathering all of your application materials and writing the perfect college admissions essay—so it’s only natural for you to be anxious to hear back as soon as you send it all in, right? ...
Early Decision and Buyer’s Remorse Palo Alto Online - Dec 15, 2015 Today is the day most Early Decision decisions are announced. While there will be a very large group of unhappy students who didn’t get into their dream school, there will be a smaller but equally forlorn group of students who did get into their dream school and are having buyer’s remorse ...
College Admissions: Handling Early Admission Rejection GoLocalProv College Admissions - Dec 8, 2015 For many seniors around the country, early admission returns have begun to roll in. For some, it is a time of exuberance because they have been accepted to their first choice college. But for others, it is a time . ..
 | Getting In: If I Get Deferred, How Can I Stand Out in the Regular Pool? Slate Magazine - Nov 30, 2015 A mom whose daughter has applied early decision to an Ivy, wonders--if her daughter gets deferred--what kinds of actions can be taken to stand out in the regular pool. A high school junior asks whether skipping 12th grade to attend an early college program is a good idea....
College Admissions: Early Application Numbers GoLocalProv College Admissions - Nov 30, 2015 The first round of Early Decision and Early Action deadlines has come and gone as students wait anxiously for returns. Most colleges are still tallying the numbers, but a few of the Ivy League have released early statistic..
10 Colleges Where Early Applicants Get the Biggest Boost US News - Nov 24, 2015 Applying to college through early decision or early action can help students gain admission to their favorite school. But not all schools offer these programs. In fact, just about one-fifth of universities offer early decision and nearly one-third offer early action..
Is applying early decision or early action the right move for you? USA Today - Nov 16, 2015 From the student who unexpectedly secured acceptance from a reach school to the student who applied Early Decision only to receive a horrible financial aid package, there are myths abound in the world of college applications about Early Action and Early Decision. ...
College Admissions: 4 Things To Do While Waiting For Early Admissions GoLocalProv College Admissions - Nov 16, 2015 Many parents and students are anxiously awaiting the first round of college admission responses. Early action and early decision acceptances are usually returned around December 15, but some colleges will send them out sooner and some will go later. What many parents ...
College: Your guide to early decision vs. early action Forbes - Oct 29, 2015 arly decision and early action are two important parts of the college application process that current and future seniors need to be familiar with. In spite of their similar "early" titles, the level of commitment to a particular school is much greater for early decision. We break down the differences....
Early applications have an edge in college admissions Chicago Tribune - Oct 29, 2015 Dear Mr. Bradshaw, I am a senior in high school and have a question about the college application process. Should I apply under early action or regular decision? My application is ready to send, ....
22 Stages of Waiting on an Early Acceptance Letter Her Campus - Nov 2, 2015 So you decided to apply early decision—great! The good news is that while your fellow seniors are still laboring over college applications, you will hear whether or not you were accepted to your dream university much earlier. The wait to hear back from admissions, however, is agonizing.......
 | Getting In: Early Decision Crunchtime Slate Magazine - Oct 27, 2015 Plus we hear about the early applications being submitted by Alessandra LePera and Ellis Wells. And we meet the newest addition to our group of seniors, Jordana Meyer of Chevy Chase, Maryland, who’s applying early decision to her favorite Ivy.....
Your Early Decision College Application Checklist Huffington Post - Oct 27, 2015 The 11/1 deadline for the college admissions Early Decision and Early Action is just days away. If you're like many of my students, you're probably scrambling to figure out whether you've completed all of the necessary paper work.....
E.D. II: The Not-So-Early Decision New York Times - Oct 26, 2015 This week, thousands of students will click “submit” on their early-decision applications, hoping for a thumbs-up from their first-choice college. With competition for slots ever increasing, let’s assume the worst: You don’t get in. What then? .....
Should You Apply to College Early? About.com - Oct 10, 2015 Most highly selective colleges in the country have a regular admission deadline sometime between the end of December and mid February. Most also have a deadline for Early Action or Early Decision applicants that typically falls in early November. This article explores some of the advantages as well as a couple disadvantages of applying to college under one of these early admission programs.....
Is Early College Decision Right For You? TeenLife - Oct 20, 2015 It’s more and more common for students to apply to college early. With the highly competitive nature of today’s applicants and the number of students applying to college, many opt to jump ahead of the pack.....
Do early birds catch the college acceptance? Boston Globe - Oct 15, 2015 With the November early application deadlines fast approaching at approximately 450 colleges and universities around the country, it’s time for high school seniors to decide whether fast-tracking the waiting game is right for them.....
College Admissions: Why Early Action and Decision Matter GoLocalProv College Admissions - Oct 5, 2015 n the last decade, early admission programs have become an increasingly important aspect of college admissions. Many colleges are filling 30-70% of their freshman class via Early Action or Early Decision. So, students who wait to apply during Regular Decision are competing with far more students for a much smaller number of seats....
Early Action Backlash Inside Higher Ed - Oct 2, 2015 SAN DIEGO -- A few years back, many seeking to reform college admissions focused on early decision, under which applicants pledge to enroll if admitted, and both apply and find out if they got in months before the normal schedule. The system, they said, favored wealthier applicants and forced high school students to commit to a college earlier ....
Early Decision statistics every applicant should see DC College Admissions Examiner - Sep 21, 2015 Binding Early Decision (ED) is one of several admissions weapons colleges use to control evaluative metrics like “selectivity” and “yield” employed by outside organizations seeking to rank or otherwise pass judgement on the quality of an institution....
College Waitlist: When You're Not In, Or Out Hartford Courant - May 11, 2015 It's probably the most unsettling outcome in the college admissions process: the notification that you're neither in, nor out, but wait-listed.....
5 Ways to Get Off a Wait List TeenLife Blog - Apr 15, 2015 It’s college decision time and disappointed teens are receiving news they have been placed on the college wait list. A wait list decision does not reject an applicant outright, but it also offers an uncomfortable level of ambiguity about whether an applicant will receive an acceptance to the college later......
What Your Rejection Letter Really Means About The College That Sent It Huffington Post - Apr 11, 2015 After years of studying and testing, culminating in the stressful college application process, countless high school seniors this time of year nervously await the acceptance or rejection letters and emails. We all know rejection hurts but here is what the college rejection letter really tells you about the college rejecting you.......
3 College Wait List Mistakes to Avoid US News - Apr 6, 2015 After years of planning and months of preparation, some students find themselves put on the waitlist at their top-choice college. If this happens to you, you are likely wondering what to do now and how to proceed. ......
Countdown to College: How to handle the dreaded waitlist Charlotte Observer - Apr 6, 2015 After years of planning and months of preparation, some students find themselves put on the waitlist at their top-choice college. If this happens to you, you are likely wondering what to do now and how to proceed. ......
7 College Wait List Strategies Say Campus Life - Apr 7, 2015 You have just learned that you are in the equivalent of college purgatory. In other words, you have been wait listed by your top college choice. Neither accepted nor rejected, you feel as if you have been left to twist in the wind ......
The Truth About College Rejection Letters TeenLife Blog - Mar 26, 2015 Those awful college rejections—a student’s worst nightmare. And yet, are they truly that awful? Is there any way to spin them into a positive? .
How to Deal With College Application Rejection Huffington Post - Mar 30, 2015 To a very small subset of our population, March is seen as a joyous month, filled with blooming flowers and a new bright, yellow-filled wardrobe. But that lucky cohort doesn't have to face college application notification letters. Namely, Ivy Day. .
The Anti-Karma of College Admission True Admissions Blog - Mar 31, 2015 Thank you to Teen Life for featuring advice from Christine VanDeVelde in Evaluating College Choices: If your teen has been accepted to several different colleges, first off, Congratulations! They should be very proud of this accomplishment .
Waitlisted or learning to live with uncertainty DC College Admissions Examiner - Mar 30, 2015 For the admissions office, it’s a safety valve—useful for controlling the flow of students admitted to the institution. But for the applicant who has waited six long months for a decision, the wait list feels like a one-way ticket to nowhere..
College Admissions: Deciding Where to Attend GoLocal PDX College Admissions - Mar 25, 2015 Hopefully you did your homework before you decided which colleges to apply to. Whether you applied to three schools or nine schools, every school on your list was a good academic match. It had the programs that interest you and top-notch professors....
Which college should you choose? Seattle College Bound Examiner - Mar 21, 2015 You worked hard and were accepted to more than one college you thought would be a good fit for you. That's great, but now how do you choose? ,....
To Keep From Choosing The Wrong College GoLocalProv College Admissions - Mar 23, 2015 April 1 is just one week away, and most college acceptances will soon be received by anxious high school seniors. Often, students and parents have a difficult time making a decision.,....
Surviving the College Admissions Hype Huffington Post - Mar 21, 2015 Over the next several weeks, thousands of high school students will hear back from colleges with one of three results: accepted, waitlisted or rejected. High school seniors and their parents are anxious for the fated emails from universities.....
6 Things You Need in Your College Decision Day Survival Kito Huffington Post - Mar 17, 2015 College decisions are coming out, and it's a super exciting (albeit stressful) time to be a senior. After months of hard work and waiting, these envelopes -- fat, skinny, and electronic -- are headed your way, and there's a whole myriad of things you could be facing.....
Skip the College Wait List The College Solution Blog - Mar 11, 2015 This is the time of year when students are getting offered spots on waiting lists. I wanted to share a previous post that I wrote about waiting lists that is just as relevant today....
More high school seniors taking early admissions to college Los Angeles Times - Feb 18, 2015 While most of her classmates at Arleta High School anxiously await word on their college applications next month, Unique De La Torre has been a portrait of calm since she was accepted in December to a private New York university....
Early Admission Reject? Blame the Seven Sisters Bloomberg - Jan 13, 2015 By now, thousands of U.S. high school seniors who applied for early decision from the university of their dreams have found out whether their hopes have been fulfilled -- or dashed...
How to focus forward after initial rejection? San Jose Mercury News - Dec 29, 2014 With results from the early round of applications widely available, I have noticed many behaviors and perceptions regarding admissions getting altered. I have found some families to be unreasonable with their expectations, and others to be overwhelmingly grateful.....
Op-Ed What happens when your college crush won't commit? Los Angeles Times - Dec 26, 2014 ew you and I were a perfect match,” the young man begins, “ever since I laid eyes on you at my sister's graduation. And spending time together this past year, learning everything there is to know about you, has only made me more convinced that you're the one for me.....
 | College Counselor: ‘A Deferral Is Not A Denial’ WBUR.org Here & Now - Dec 18, 2015 High school students discovered this week whether they’ve been accepted to their choice college under early decision. For students who were deferred, guidance counselor Lisa Micele says that doesn’t mean they won’t get in to their top school in the spring.....
OnCollege: Things to do while waiting for responses to your applications San Jose Mercury News - Dec 1, 2014 Now that so many seniors have submitted their college applications, the hard part begins -- waiting. I know it can feel like torture to wait the few weeks or months until college decisions are released, but there are certainly some things you can do in the meantime:...
College Admissions: 4 Things To Do While Waiting For Early Admissions GoLocalProv College Admissions - Nov 24, 2014 Many parents and students are anxiously awaiting the first round of college admission responses. Early action and early decision acceptances are usually returned around December 15, but some colleges will send them out sooner and some will go later....
College Admissions: Early Apps Up for Class of 2019 GoLocalProv College Admissions - Nov 17, 2014 Over the last 30 days, students from across the country and around the world sent in college applications under binding Early Decision and non-binding Early Action programs.....
What you need to know about early college application deadlines
Spokane College Examiner - Oct 28, 2014 Roam any senior halls in area high schools and it is highly likely that you will see some stressed college seniors this week. The first round of early college applications is right around the corner – November first – and there are a few things to keep in mind for students applying under an early deadline....
Beat the application stress — an early decision survival guide
USA Today - Oct 23, 2014 With just one week left before most Early Decision and Early Action college applications are due, it’s easy for tension to build up between high school seniors and their parents. Having worked over 20 years in college admissions — on the Douglass College admission committee....
When Does It Make Sense for You to Apply Early Action or Early Decision to College? Huffington Post - Oct 23, 2014 Most high school students and their parents focus on the advantages that early applications offer them, often not realizing that colleges benefit the most from early appications. Here are some of the reasons colleges like Early Decision (ED) that explain something about why they offer it and also whether or not you should apply early....
On College: Think of all the options before committing early to one campus San Jose Mercury News - Oct 20, 2014 With Early Decision deadlines just around the corner, it is crunch time for college applicants. As important as it is to submit the highest quality application, it is equally important to make sure that Early Decision is the right option for the entire family....
It's Decision Time for Early Applicants True Admissions Blog - Oct 21, 2014 Applying early is a great option if you’re sure about which college you want to attend, but it’s critical for you to do your due diligence in researching colleges and visiting campuses before deciding to apply early. ....
Early Applications Charlotte Observer - Sep 8, 2014 Ready or not, the college application season has begun. I know I’m not the only one who feels the college application process seems to be creeping earlier each year. There used to be a uniformity among colleges and their deadlines...
Understanding Early Decision in College Admission Lamorinda Weekly - Sep 8, 2014 Early Decision is an application program offered by many colleges and universities that provides an early admission decision in exchange for the student's commitment to enroll. A student may only apply ED to one college, and, if admitted ED, a student must withdraw all other applications and enroll at the ED school. This is common knowledge for most families in our savvy communities....
The Perks of Applying Early Teen Ink - Jan 28, 2014 I applied to one college. Yes, only one. From the offset this sounds fool-hardy (of course everybody told me that,) but through early decision this was possible. I wouldn’t suggest only applying one place to anyone because if you don’t get in there’s a lot of stress, but for me it worked ...
What to Do if You Regret Applying Early Decision Her Campus - Jan 16, 2014 Applying early decision to your dream school may have felt like a good decision back in November, but now you’re feeling the pressure roll in. Early decision is a binding process in which you apply to a school that you know you want to attend come fall. ...
Getting a College Admission Deferral The College Solution Blog - Jan 13, 2014 What happens if your child recently received a college admission deferral letter? Plenty of students, who applied to schools via early action and early decision applications, have received deferral notices.....
What to Do When You’re Deferred From a College Her Campus - Jan 14, 2014 The biggest benefit of applying to college early decision or early action is finding out whether or not you’ve been accepted to your top choice school as soon as possible. So few things are more frustrating than going through the effort of writing the perfect college essay and taking standardized tests ....
Deferred or Waitlisted? Hamlet Hub - Jan 7, 2014 You have spent months preparing your college applications– taking tests, writing essays and seeking recommendations. By applying early, you hoped to receive a letter of admission in December.....
Crazy early admission numbers Charlotte Observer - Dec 30, 2013 The application numbers are in for the Early Action and Early Decision admissions cycle for the class of 2014 and they’re scary high – and the acceptance rates are scary low at some schools...
How to Overcome College Rejection in 4 Easy Steps Her Campus - Dec 27, 2013 Rejection sucks. Whether it’s a guy, friend, or college telling you “no,” it’s bound to sting at least a little bit. College rejections in particular can be especially painful, especially if you’ve just gotten turned down from your dream university or college...
Early Admission Apps Soared for Class of 2018 Golocalprov - Dec 23, 2013 Early admission numbers are still being released since many colleges extended deadlines due to Common Application issues this year. Nevertheless, it appears that the predicted low in the number of college-age students has not affected early action and early decision applications at the nation’s most competitive colleges...
How to handle a deferral DC College Admissions Examiner - Dec 16, 2013 Harvard deferred 3197 applicants to regular decision out of 4692 students who applied “single-choice” early action this fall. Brown deferred 71% of its 3088 binding early decision candidates, while MIT deferred 4538 of its 6820 early action applicants ..
Surviving Early Decision Blues Huffington Post - Dec 13, 2013 What a day. I've seen the highs, mediums and lows of college admissions as high school seniors found out all day whether they had been admitted to their dream colleges. ...
College Admissions: Handling Early Admission Rejection GoLocalProv College Admissions - Dec 16, 2013 For many seniors around the country, early admission returns have begun to roll in. For some, it is a time of exuberance because they have been accepted to their first choice college. ...
Deferred? What Now? About.com - Dec 14, 2013 It's that time of year when students are hearing decisions from their Early Action and Early Decision college applications. For a large number of students, the decision will not be as clear cut as a simple acceptance or rejection....
Early Decisions: What to do next if you're accepted, deferred or denied True Admissions Blog - Dec 13, 2012 It's decision time for students who have applied early action (EA), early decision (ED) or restrictive early action (REA) with the news soon to arrive via email or snail mail. Once you receive your notification, there are still some steps to be taken. .. .
Deferred? What Now? About.com - Dec 13, 2012 It's that time of year when students are hearing decisions from their Early Action and Early Decision college applications. For a large number of students, the decision will not be as clear cut as a simple acceptance or rejection...
What to Do if You Are Deferred to the Regular Decision Pool New York Times - The Choice - Dec 18, 2012 From small liberal arts colleges to Ivy League schools to large universities, I have yet to speak to a college that has seen a decrease or remained stagnant in early applications. I am no statistician, but this seems like fuzzy math..... .
10 ways to deal with deferral DC College Admissions Examiner - Dec 17, 2012 All too many students who applied early this fall are finding they’ve been neither accepted nor rejected, but deferred to the regular admissions pool. If you’re in this position, know you’re not alone.... .
On College: Admissions and the 'it's not fair' lament San Jose Mercury News - Dec 17, 2012 This time of year brings good and bad news as the early application decisions roll out. And while many acceptances are welcomed with glee and excitement, denials bring out different emotions.... .
College Admissions: Handling Early Admission Rejection GoLocalWorcester - Dec 17, 2012 For many seniors around the country, early admission returns have begun to roll in. For some, it is a time of exuberance because they have been accepted to their first choice college..... .
The Realities of a College Wait List The College Solution Blog - Mar 20, 2013 At a party on Friday night, a former colleague of my husband’s mentioned that he was stunned that his son’s friend didn’t get into Stanford University. ...
What To Do If You Are Deferred LA College Admissions Examiner - Mar 15, 2013 We know that application numbers this season are way up. It’s quite possible that you are a qualified student who has been deferred from your first choice college. A deferral means that you are qualified and that the admission officers will take another look at your application file during their regular admission ...