Campus Visits and Interviews
College tour
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A college tour is a series of campus visits to a number of colleges or universities (two or four year) by a prospective student (freshman, transfer, or graduate.) College tours may be taken individually or by school groups and educational programs as a way for a large number of people to visit several schools over a short period of time. In addition, many colleges now offer virtual tours on the Internet.
Campus Visits and Interviews
The Futility of College Interviews The Atlantic - Dec 29, 2017 They’re a stressful and often irrelevant component of the application process. Is it time to do away with them?. . ....
Are college visits really worth it? YourGV.com - Jan 3, 2018 QUESTION: Our 17-year-old daughter wants to begin visiting colleges. She’s a high-school junior this year, and this is when the college visitations begin. We’re feeling like the Grinches Who Stole College Visitations ...
If you can get a college interview, don’t tank it Tribune News Service - Nov 28, 2017 The interview was once an important staple of the college admissions process. Young men dressed up in jackets and ties, young women wore short heels, a proper dress, hose and pearls, and they sat down for a formal interview inside the college admissions office.. . ....
When Alumni Interviewers Screw Up, Things Get Weird Chronicle of Higher Ed - Nov 20, 2017 t first, the message seemed harmless. On November 8, dozens of high-school seniors in the San Diego area received an email from an alumnus of Harvard University. "Thank you for applying," it began. . ....
7 Tips From A Professor To Help You Hack Your College Visit The Federalist - Nov 27, 2017 The campus visit is the modern equivalent of the medieval pilgrimage. We travel great distances to remote locations inhabited by the learned in hopes of finding direction, security, blessedness. And it will cost a fortune. . ....
There is no substitute for a campus visit Enterprise Pub - Nov 22, 2017 On the twelfth of November, my dad and I made finally made the long drive from Oakland to eastern Michigan. I was there to tour two schools: Kettering University and the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor...
Gauge How College Tour Groups Shape Campus Visits US News - Nov 2, 2017 There's nothing like visiting a college in person to get a feel for what it's like to be a student at a particular school, but coordinating these visits can be challenging.. ....
6 Ways to Impress Your Interviewer GoLocalProv College Admissions - Oct 30, 2017 Fall is peak season for high school seniors to do college interviews. Today, most large schools don’t offer interviews, but small to medium size colleges do. Some are evaluative, meaning they factor into an admission decision; others are informational, meaning they do not. Both demonstrate your interest in the college. ....
The College Corner: Get All Your Questions Answered On College Visits Falmouth Enterprise - Sep 29, 2017 The last two articles have focused on how a parent or student can create a college visit list. I strongly suggest that you finish that project before going on your first visit, as each visit should be well prepared. Please also keep in mind my recommendation to not apply to any college that you have not visited. ....
Fall break can be a time for college visits Jackson Sun - Oct 2, 2017 There are several reasons to visit your colleges of interest over fall break. For one, seeing and learning about the school in person can help students determine where to apply. You can find out more about the college from firsthand sources by meeting with different departments, students and faculty. ....
College Interviews Mountain View - Oct 2, 2017 College interviews are a perfect opportunity for you to find out more about the college and for the college interviewer to learn more about you. I recently asked a local College Admissions Interviewer for Cornell University, Elizabeth Grover, what advice she suggests to students as they prepare for their upcoming interviews....
Creating A College Visit List Falmouth Enterprise - Sep 22, 2017 Last week the reader was introduced to six guidelines that provide a framework for college list creation. This week, the reader will be given a specific recipe on how to create a college visit list....
7 steps to nailing a college admissions interview Omaha World-Herald - Sep 24, 2017 As a parent, it can feel difficult to involve yourself in the college admissions process. Your student is gaining independence, making decisions that will impact the rest of his or her life, and maybe even withdrawing from parental guidance....
Top 3 Tips for College Visits HamletHub - Aug 26, 2017 At this time of year, many seniors visit the colleges and universities that are on the “list” that they have received from their counselors. It is important to remember that just as you are looking for the perfect college, the colleges are looking for their ideal students. ....
Are college visits worth it? The Daily Pennsylvanian - Sep 6, 2017 For the past week and a half, I’ve found myself marveling at the verdant trees, barely subsumed by the stunning hallmarks of academic and intellectual excellence that line Locust Walk. ...
How To Learn More During The College Tour Forbes - May 3, 2017 It's high season for college tours. As you meander around each campus, think about how to make the visit meaningful for you and your child. Every school has a scripted version of what they think you should know, but often you will find that the tours simply regurgitate the brochure.....
These Four Websites Can Help Round Out College Campus Visits Forbes - Apr 28, 2017 It took 1.23 seconds for Google to deliver approximately 166,000,000 results for the search term "college tours," so you can imagine how much advice there is about the usefulness of visiting colleges during the research process. More and more, campus visits are promoted as being essential to students' and families' ....
Diversity Fly-in Programs Make Campus Visits Accessible US News - May 1, 2017 College diversity programs that pay for high-achieving high school seniors – who are usually low-income, first-generation or students of color – to visit campus, give teens who can't afford to travel out of state for a college tour the opportunity to try the college experience. ....
Skipping the College Tour New York Times - Apr 26, 2017 As high school seniors this week make final decisions about college by the May deadline, many are making whirlwind campus visits with the goal of finding the best fit....
8 Things to Do Before Your College Visit Cappex Blog - Apr 14, 2017 At this time of year, you’ll find a great deal of advice about how to make the most of a college visit. But the key to ensuring a successful campus visit should happen many weeks before the trip begins.....
College Tour–The Final Checklist Falmouth Enterprise - Apr 14, 2017 Today’s article will amplify the concept of college visits that was discussed last week. It is my hope that you have a general sense of the type of school that your son/daughter might want to attend. You should now be gathering some concepts that can help your student to further narrow down the selection.....
College Corner: A GPS For College Tours Cape News - Apr 7, 2017 Hurray, we can finally see small signs of spring with the budding crocuses and daffodils. With spring comes college visits. It is time to plan for them as the high school spring break week will be here very soon. Tour reservation plans should be made by this week in order to secure a spot on the campus tour.....
College visits can make finding a higher-ed match easier Santa Fe New Mexican - Apr 6, 2017 ‘‘It made it feel more real,” said Santa Fe High School junior Sophia Mullholland after visiting different college campuses a few weeks ago. Because it is that time of year again, when high-schoolers nationwide explore options for their future education. Mullholland visited New York University, Northeastern University, .....
Navigating a College Fair TAPinto - Apr 6, 2017 Prepare address labels ahead of time to take to the fair—College admissions representatives may ask you to complete an information card. This may take time and not give you an opportunity to listen to the presentation about the college since you are concentrated on the task at hand.....
Five People Worth Talking To On Your College Visit Huffington Post - Mar 27, 2017 agine you're going on your first college visit. You're stopping by the admission office. You're touring the campus with a student who walks backwards—backwards!—the entire time. You're trying the food. You're...you're…...
College Visits And How To Make The Most Of It University Herald - Mar 27, 2017 A high school student's visit to the college of their choice is one of the exciting parts of their journey to college. It can be pretty exhausting, but it is also a lot of fun. This can be done formally or informally. The most important thing is that students learn as much information as they can f...
Charlotte moms share lessons on campus visits Tribune News Service - Mar 13, 2017 Right about now, as the parents of sophomores and juniors are scheduling flights, renting cars, making hotel reservations and booking spring break campus tours, this whole “college thing” becomes eerily real ..
6 Things to Do Instead of Stressing About Acceptance Letters Her Campus - Mar 15, 2017 So, you’ve submitted all your college applications, sent out your reference letters, wrote your admissions essays, and paid your application fees. Now, all you can do is wait, and that’s just as stressful as completing all your materials on time ––if not more...
Preparing for a college visit The Philadelphia Tribune - Feb 28, 2017 Visiting campuses to help narrow down one’s choice is a great way to get a feel for the college or university. And when the time comes, it can help you decide if a specific college is right for you. Here are some tips to get the best out of your campus visit. ..
College Corner: College Tour Questions To Consider Falmouth Enterprise - Feb 23, 2017 For the last two articles, I focused on how a parent/student can create a college visit list. If that has not been accomplished by now, I recommend that you finish that project first. Try to resist the temptation to just jump forward to going on a visit, as each visit should be well prepared. ..
College Connection: Start planning now for a productive spring break MyCentralJersey.com - Feb 9, 2017 Spring break is highly anticipated by all students. It’s an escape from the academic pressures of the school year. It’s also the ideal time to visit colleges and start to identify which schools may, or may not, be potential “good fit” colleges.......
College Corner: Planning Is An Essential Part Of College Visits Cape News - Feb 10, 2017 The first step, often taken in sophomore year, is to visit some schools in general. One should visit a “small” school and a “large” school. Information about colleges is easily obtained through the College Navigator federal website (nces.ed.gov/collegenavigator). ......
20 Things For Your College Visit Checklist Forbes - Feb 8, 2017 After submitting your college applications, essays, and gathering recommendations, you will soon be making your final college decision! With several weeks to notify colleges of your decision, ..
6 Questions You Need To Ask On College Visits The State Journal-Register - Feb 7, 2017 With school vacations around the corner, families are packing up the car for road trips and campus tours. If you have a sophomore or junior in high school, now is the time to visit! Most families will sit obediently in information sessions soaking up what is said, but few will raise their hands and ask the tough questions., ..
4 Ways to Tour a College Without Stepping Foot on Campus Her Campus - Feb 8, 2017 As you prepare for one of the most important choices of your life, there are many ways you can make a well-prepared decision. Selecting the right college involves many nights of pros and cons lists, overseeing tuition costs and trying on school colors to see which ones you like best.., ..
Make the most of your college visit Hingham Journal - Jan 1, 2017 The college visit is your opportunity to get a firsthand view of everything from the campus to the cafeteria; from the classrooms to the dorms. But when -- and how -- do you best visit the colleges on your list?.. ..
College Visits Help Students Choose The Best School For Them University Herald - Dec 27, 2016 Senior high school students often worry about their future, including what to do when they get to college. They normally worry about what school to go, what degree to pursue, and how they will be able to pay for it. Having some help will make it easier for them to decide... ..
How to prep for your college interview Tribune News Service - Nov 9, 2016 Most go well, but practice and research the school to ensure you succeed. Sweaty palms, churning stomach and the deer-in-the-headlights look are common anticipated experiences for high school seniors when approaching their first college interview. ....
4 Things Admissions Officers Are Looking for in Your Interview Her Campus - Nov 9, 2016 Your applications are in, you’re eagerly waiting acceptances and you’ve even landed an interview or two ––you’re off to a great start! But, now that your interviews are just around the corner, you may be wondering what admissions officers are really looking for.....
Procrastinating? Delaying College, University And Campus Visits Is A Big Mistake University Herald - Nov 7, 2016 When looking for a college or university to apply for, sometimes high school students neglect the most essential preparations. One such preparation is delaying campus visits. College admission can be a daunting task for junior and senior high school students. But according to a book titled "There Is Life After College," .. ..
Colleges offer 360-degree guided virtual tours MyCentralJersey - Nov 4, 2016 Students searching for the “perfect fit” college often hope to travel the country visiting scores of colleges about which they have heard or read great things. They know that there is nothing like touring a university to get a sense of whether or not it offers the physica ..
College Tours Were a Lesson in Letting My Kid Trust His Gut The Stir - Nov 8, 2016 Driving down the highway, the sun barely up, my teen asleep next to me, I fantasized about the bonding experience of our first college visit. I envisioned how he would get excited over the prospect of heading off to college and all the wonderful things we would share on the tour. .. ..
Tips for College Visits ABC-27 - Oct 25, 2016 COLLEGEVILLE, Pa. (WHTM) – Next to a home or a vehicle, a college education is a big investment. That’s why high school students and their parents should take the time to tour colleges and universities....
What to look for in evaluating college, campus The Philadelphia Tribune - Oct 18, 2016 Visiting campuses is a great way to get a feel for what college is like. And when the time comes, it can help you decide if a specific college is right for you. Here are some tips to get the best out of your campus visit. ..
Survival tips for visiting prospective colleges Tulsa World - Oct 14, 2016 We have just emerged, bloodied but not beaten, from our daughter's junior year of high school. In addition to a plethora of challenging classes, there were state standardized tests to be passed for verified credits. There were Advanced Placement tests to survive. ..
3 Ways Parents, Students Can Prepare for College Interviews Together US News - Oct 10, 2016 The college interview can be an excellent means of breathing life into an application. A great interview can even, in some instances, push a borderline application over the top. But interviews – especially high-stakes interviews at top colleges – can be challenging to navigate ..
College Connection: The fall is a great time to visit campuses MyCentralJersey - Oct 10, 2016 The fall is a great time for students and parents to tour colleges to identify potential “best fit” schools. Visiting a college when classes are in session allows high school students to take in the atmosphere and to visualize what it would be like to be a part of the student body. ..
Advice From College Tour Guides About What to Ask on a College Tour TIME - Oct 4, 2016 As high school seniors ponder where they’ll apply to college and where they want to go to school, many are participating in a staple of the college admissions process: the college tour. So, what should you ask on a college tour? What information should you be gathering as you walk around the campus? ..
Travel Tip: Want College Visits to be More Fun? Make It A Family Vacation Travelers Today - Oct 4, 2016 College visits or tours are one of the most interesting experiences, as a high school student will determine where they'll be studying in the next four years or so. However, there's no harm in having a little bit of fun with the family while you're at it by making it a full-blown family vacation.....
Making the most of a college fair West Hawaii Today - Oct 2, 2016 Attending a college fair is a great way to connect with schools you are interested in and make a positive first impression on their representatives. However, there are some important things to keep in mind in order to make the most effective use of your time.....
5 Ways to Make College Tours Fun Instead of Grueling New York Times - Sep 25, 2016 At Amherst College in Amherst, Mass., my family, including our son, prospective applicant Seth, enjoyed the natural history museum and spied on swim team practice. At Colby College in Waterville, Me., we appreciated the colonial architecture and the modern art collection. At the University of Chicago, ....
Make the most of a college visit Sioux City Journal - Sep 28, 2016 College visits help you discover a school’s culture, campus, and the surrounding community while learning about the admissions and financial aid processes., ....
Commentary: Some helpful tips for college visits The State Journal-Register - Sep 19, 2016 lerting all those who are looking at going to college. This time of year maybe stressful, but there are many tips that will help anyone when they are looking to visit a college.
First off, visit the campus. It doesn’t really matter how many schools you are looking at. For your top schools, ..
9 Things to Do at a Potential College's Overnight Stay Her Campus - Sep 18, 2016 Taking part in a “Sleeping Bag Weekend" -- an overnight stay at a potential college, often with a current student -- is a beyond-amazing way to see if a school is the right fit for you. Make sure you know what to look for and the questions to ask to make the most of your time on campus.. ..
Acing Your College Admissions Interview Huffington Post - Sep 12, 2016 It's unavoidable: the interview is a quintessential step in the admissions process that many applicants dread. But it doesn't have to be this way. Read on for tips and tricks to ensure that your next college admissions interview is a success..
Making college visits more affordable WRAL - Sep 12, 2016 For many families, September means the start of college and, with it, the responsibility of paying tuition and other expenses. But for families with kids in the last years of high school, it's also time to start visiting colleges of interest - and, with that, learn about the accompanying expense of a higher education...
Here's how your family can afford college visits Deseret News - Sep 5, 2016 For many families, September means the start of college and, with it, the responsibility of paying tuition and other expenses. But for families with kids in the last years of high school, it’s also time to start visiting colleges of interest . ..
THe Jet Set: Wealthy Touring Colleges In Private Planes Newsweek - Sep 5, 2016 On a late August morning, in the dusky haze of the San Fernando Valley, a former Los Angeles politician boards a Gulfstream G200 jet with his teenage son. Inside the 175-square-foot, overwhelmingly beige cabin, complimentary varsity swag i. ..
Do you really have to go on college tours? Washington Post - Aug 25, 2016 Just as the European tour was once the finishing school for young ladies and gentlemen, the multiple college tours are now one of the rites of passage for — primarily affluent — high schoolers. ..
Make the Most of Your College Campus Tours With These 10 Tips NBC News - Aug 17, 2016 Visiting colleges with your high school student can be an exciting first step into the next phase of their life — or it can be a logistical nightmare, full of wasted time and money. While the impulse might be to grab your kid, jump into the car and start touring schools, a bit of planning can go a long way toward making it a valuable trip. ..
3 Ways to Enhance a Virtual College Tour US News - Aug 15, 2016 Visiting a college in person is the best way to experience its atmosphere. But if your time and money are in short supply, a virtual tour can be a useful way to explore whether a school will be a great fit for you.. ..
College Visits: Do They Really Matter For College Admissions? Huffington Post - Aug 4, 2016 There is an entire industry around college visits, and usually the primary goal is to demonstrate interest to a university. In this article, we go in depth into data we have uncovered and analyzed based on years of research at Synocate.. ..
5 questions to ask students on a campus tour USA Today College - Jun 28, 2016 With school out for summer, it’s a high season for visiting colleges. Whether you’re a high school junior looking at schools for the first time or a soon-to-be college freshman getting some on-campus experience before your move-in day in August, you can benefit from taking a campus tour....
The 4 Questions to Ask on a College Campus Tour TIME - Jun 24, 2016 Focus more on money, less on co-ed showers. Campus tours are a carefully choreographed part of colleges’ marketing efforts. But they’re also a great opportunity for students and parents to push past the sales pitch and get the facts they need to make smart financial decisions... ...
Infographic: Prepare for Your College Campus Visit US News - Jun 16, 2016 When it comes to visiting colleges of interest, it's essential to plan ahead. Attending a tour and information session can help prospective students determine whether a school is the right fit for them – both in and out of the classroom, experts say... ...
Campus tours are a great way to narrow down choice Philadelphia Tribune - Jun 21, 2016 Visiting campuses to help narrow down one’s choice is a great way to get a feel for the college or university. And when the time comes, it can help you decide if a specific college is right for you. Here are some tips to get the best out of your campus visit... ...
What to Do When Colleges “Recommend” an Interview Huffington Post - Jun 15, 2016 I noticed that a number of colleges “recommend” or “highly recommend” an admissions interview. My own institution uses this same phrase in our viewbook and on our website. But, I bet there are plenty of families who may not know what exactly a college really wants.. ...
Five More Criteria For Summer College Visits Falmouth Enterprise (registrtation required) - Jun 12, 2016 Would you like to save time and money when looking at colleges this summer? Let’s try to make every visit count as I suspect you don’t have an unlimited amount of time to visit colleges this summer....
Use family vacation to visit prospective colleges Tennessean - Jun 8, 2016 When I was in high school decades ago, I never did any college visits. I was either going to attend the University of Oklahoma or Oklahoma State, and since OSU was closer, that was where I went.. ...
Tips on Nailing the College Interview ACCIS Blog - Jun 8, 2016 Do any of your summer college visits include an admissions interview? Don’t let your nerves get in the way! These tips will prepare you for the conversation anytime - summer, fall or winter.. ...
5 things you should do during a campus visit USA Today - College - May 10, 2016 These days, you can pretty much learn everything you need to know about a college online, including what majors a school offers, acceptance rates, tuition rates and on-campus dining options. Choosing a college is as much an emotional decision as it is an intellectual one, however.. ...
Play College Tour Bingo! TIME - Apr 18, 2016 Does every college tour you go on seem to follow the same script? Print out our special bingo cards and play along. If you’re a college-bound high school student, or the parent of one, odds are you will visit more than one college campus to get a good look at a prospective school.....
Tips for attending a college fair St. Louis Post-Dispatch - Apr 14, 2016 Here are some useful tips from the National Association for College Admission Counseling for students planning to attend one of its college fairs....
Colleges Aren’t All the Same, but You Wouldn’t Know it From the Campus Tour Huffington Post - Apr 1, 2016 It’s that time of year when high school students and their parents are visiting college campuses. This year, I’ve been on my second go-round, visiting colleges as both a parent and a university administrator. Time and time again, after reading the brochures, listening to the information sessions, ....
College Prep: Making the most of your campus visit South Salem Parenting Examiner - Mar 28, 2016 Springtime signifies a time of new beginnings and interesting adventures. For high school juniors and seniors, it is usually the time of year to make visits to the colleges they are interested in attending. Making visits to potential colleges can be both exiting and anxiety provoking. ....
Maximizing college visits while minimizing the cost Tyler Paper - Mar 28, 2016 Every parent knows college is expensive. But what you might not have factored into your budget is the cost of visiting prospective schools, especially if your student has a big, or far-flung wish list.
A generation or two ago, freshmen often didn't step foot on their new campus until fall orientation. ....
College Visiting Essentials HamletHub - Mar 28, 2016 'Tis the season to college visit and prepare for a long treacherous journey that will last until college applications are due. It's scary and exhausting. Around springtime, it is imperative that students, mostly juniors, get started with their college visits. Not only is visiting a good way to learn more about a school....
Last minute campus visit tips Charlotte Observer - Mar 20, 2016 Families are about to load up their mini-vans and head for the airports and highways this week and next for the annual spring break campus visit blitz....
Making the most of a college visit Buffalo News - Mar 20, 2016 Selecting a college can be an exciting and nerve-wracking experience for a high school student. There is quite a bit of uncertainty and confusion when picking a college, and seemingly countless questions that need answering.....
Use These 6 Tips to Make the Most of College Fairs TeenLife Blog - Mar 21, 2016 Nothing says spring like those annual spring college fairs. If you have ever attended one or look forward to attending one this spring, you know they can be a bit overwhelming.....
Making the most of your visit to a National College Fair NJ.com - Mar 20, 2016 Ready to take the next step in your education? There's no better place to explore your options than at a NACAC National College Fair. Admission representatives from schools across the country are all gathered in one place. ....
Touring colleges? Be Sure To Make These 3 Connections TeenLife Blog - Mar 9, 2016 A college visit is possibly the most important component of your college search. Without a visit, you are applying blind.
Without a visit, you can’t know if the college is a good fit for you. And without a visit, you won’t be able to make three important personal connections: the college admissions counselors, ....
How to Plan a College Visit Road Trip Over Spring Break Her Campus - Mar 6, 2016 Spring break is right around the corner and pre-collegiettes from all across the country are beginning to plan their long-awaited college visits. It is a prime time for visiting colleges and checking out which schools pique your interest....
Include college visits in your spring break plans
Spokane College Examiner - Mar 7, 2016 Spring break is time for high school students to relax and enjoy some down time. However many families often spend the break on a vacation away from home. Have you thought about adding some college visit to your holiday plans?....
When To Visit: The College Tour Circuitt Forbes - Mar 7, 2016 Before you decide when to visit a college campus, remember why you’re going: To see it in person and evaluate it as a possible environment for a four-year academic and social experience....
Hitting The College Visit Trail, Part I: Planning Forbes - Mar 3, 2016 A long time ago in a galaxy far away, before rankings, websites and constant marketing, I took a Peter Pan bus from New York City to Amherst, Massachusetts to see a campus called Amherst College...
10 questions to ask career services during campus visits USA Today - Feb 21, 2016 Choosing a college is never easy and the variety of published information does not make it any easier. Universities present career-related outcomes differently, making it difficult for you to draw conclusions or compare institutions. Asking critical questions navigates this landscape and enhances your decision making.....
The Four Must Dos on College Campus Visits Pleasanton Weekly - Feb 21, 2016 Among the most exciting parts of the college search, and certainly one of the most important, is the campus visit. There is no better way to find out if a college is the best fit for you than to register for an information session and arrange a campus tour....
5 Ways To Ace, Or Blow, Your College Interview Forbes - Feb 21, 2016 I recently participated in a Mock Interview Session at Millbrook School, and for months I have been interviewing applicants to Drew University. Practice is a good idea, because a lot can ride on a college interview. If one is offered—some colleges have abandoned the practice—find out if it will be Evaluative or Informational...
Gearing up for campus visits DC College Admissions Examiner - Feb 17, 2016 It’s getting close to that time of year again—the time of year when college campuses shift gears and formally welcome a whole new crop of prospective applicants coming to check out facilities, tour grounds and otherwise feel the vibe....
College Admissions: 6 Questions You Need To Ask On College Visits GoLocalProv College Admissions - Feb 15, 2016 With school vacations around the corner, families are packing up the car for road trips and campus tours. If you have a sophomore or junior in high school, now is the time to visit! Most families will sit obediently in information sessions soaking up what is said, but few will raise their hands and ask the tough questions....
Spring break is the perfect time for college tours myCentralJersey - Feb 11, 2016 High school students who want to put their spring break to good use might consider touring some colleges during their week off. This is often a perfect time for campus visits, as colleges tend to have their spring breaks in early March while high schools favor late March or early April. ....
6 Smart Ways to Save on College Tours TIME - Feb 1, 2016 Tips from a travel expert (and mom) who's been there. If you have a son or daughter who’s headed for college, chances are you’ll be touring at least a few campuses to help your kid decide where to apply—or, later on, which school’s offer to accept....
It's time to tour: Steps to planning college visits Sun-Sentinel - Feb 2, 2016 Movies make college road trips look so easy: just hop in a car with your friends and/or family members and you’re off, singing along to the radio without a care in the world. ...
Show These 5 Traits During College Admissions Interviews US News - Jan 25, 2016 As students go through the often nerve-wracking experience of applying to college, they occasionally overlook the admissions interview. These interviews can sometimes be the tipping point between an acceptance or a rejection, so it is important to put your best foot forward....
Skyping the College Interview Gazette Newspapers - Jan 23, 2016 The use of Skype for admissions interviews is becoming ever more prevalent. Wake Forest on its website tells you, “We take interviews personally… Whether face-to-face or via webcam,...
8 Strategies to Make the Most of a Spring Break College Tour Huffington Post - Jan 5, 2016 Thinking about taking your high school junior on a college tour this spring? The timing is usually ideal, with students starting to engage more seriously in the college discussion and ready to get a firsthand look at promising schools. And many colleges are in session, which allows for a more vibrant and real-life look at these schools than summer timing would....
5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do During College Visits Her Campus - Dec 27, 2015 College visits are an extremely important part of the college decision process. Often, visiting a campus can help you form an idea of what you are looking for in a college. Standard tours and sitting in on classes are pretty common, but there’s much more you can do while on a college tour....
Countdown to College: Top 10 tips to avoid interview blunders Charlotte Observer - Nov 30, 2015 Students being interviewed either by alumni representatives, scholarship committees or an admissions office need to walk a very fine line between being prepared and being rehearsed. Good news: While acing your interview can sometimes seal the deal, flubbing the interview is rarely the reason for a rejection...
4 Things to Know About College Student Shadowing Days US News - Nov 23, 2015 Despite the many resources available to high school juniors and seniors who are deciding where to apply to college, some students struggle when determining whether or not to apply to schools that are on the cusp of their short lists....
5 Unusual Questions to Ask on a College Visit TeenLife Blog - Nov 12, 2015 If you visit a college, take the tour. Tour guides will give you basic information, show you around the campus, and answer typical questions regarding class size, student activities, and more. But beyond the typical questions, parents and students should ask some probing ones that dig deep into how the college sees, values, and serves its students...
Countdown to College: Tips so you don’t tank on your interview Charlotte Observer - Nov 13, 2015 The college interview. It was once an important staple of the college admissions process. Young men dressed up in jackets and ties, young women wore short heels and pearls and they sat down for a formal interview inside the college admissions office...
Alumni interviews: 'Rules of the Road' revisited DC College Admissions Examiner - Nov 16, 2015 When I first published the ‘Rules of the Road’ listed below in 2009, I received tremendous response from students, parents, and college counselors. Evidently the article touched a nerve. Stories came from all over the country documenting instances of abuse and simple thoughtlessness..
3 Ways to Capitalize on College Fairs to Distinguish Your Application Yahoo News - Nov 2, 2015 College fairs, whatever their size and wherever they may be held, are excellent opportunities for high school juniors and seniors to learn more about potential colleges and universities. While the institutions that attend college fairs see them as a chance to advertise themselves ..
College Admissions: 6 Ways to Impress Your Interviewer GoLocalWorcester College Admissions - Nov 16, 2015 Fall is peak season for high school seniors to do college interviews. Today, most large schools don’t offer interviews, but small to medium size colleges do. Some are evaluative, meaning they factor into an admission decision; others are informational, meaning they do not. Both demonstrate your interest in the college, which is often taken into consideration...
Don’t skip the college visit Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Oct 22, 2015 College bound students sometimes skip visiting colleges as they are researching their post high school plans. Instead, they choose to review the materials sent by the colleges, scour the institution websites, and read reviews from other students. While some of the information out there is good.....
November is the perfect month for college visits MyCentralJersey.com - Oct 22, 2015 Many high school students are looking forward to early November when Election Day and Teacher Convention Days provide a welcome break from school. But instead of sleeping in on these days, students can put this time to great use by visiting colleges that are almost all in session....
Should I attend a college information session? USA Today - Oct 20, 2015 Ah, fall: colorful leaves, crisp air and pumpkin spice everything. Yet fall also signals one more very important thing: college applications. But before you start applying, you need to narrow down your college selection — and that’s not always easy.....
Meet & Greet: 9 tips for attending the Big Apple College Fair New York Post - Oct 21, 2015 College fairs are a great way to get a taste of the life offered at a number of colleges in a short time without the expense of travel, especially for first-in-their-family students. Here are some tips to get you on your way....
Making the Most of Your College Admissions Interview Lamorinda Weekly - Oct 21, 2015 Many students request interviews, or 'sit downs' as they are sometimes called, with admission representatives who visit our communities this time of year. Others receive emails or phone calls to schedule an interview appointment from an alumnus or other individual who represents a college. Regardless of who initiates the interview or what it is called,....
College fairs offer more than free pens Daily North Shore - Oct 15, 2015 Sure, the college fair is a place where you can pick up a pen or two with a college name emblazoned on it, but savvy students use this great resource to inform their college search. Here’s how to make the most of attending a college fair.....
Visiting Colleges? Here's A How To … Daily North Shore - Oct 8, 2015 For students and parents alike, the quest to find the perfect college often starts with a fall campus visit. When setting up those college tours, it’s important for students to know what they want to find out before setting foot on campus.....
How to Make the Most of a College Tour TIME - Oct 5, 2015 There's more to a school than a pretty campus. A tour of a college campus is one of your best opportunities to make sure that the college of your dreams—the college you’ve heard so much about, the one that looks so great in college guidebooks and on its website—is actually a place where you would want to go to school....
3 reasons college visits can increase admission possibilities for applicants DC Higher Education Examiner - Sep 28, 2015 Many students cannot imagine applying to a school they have never visited. They are looking for their new home and want to evaluate not just academic offerings and experiential learning opportunities, but also the physical environment, the social climate, and other aspects more easily perceived through personal experience.....
How to ace that college admission interview College Examiner - Sep 28, 2015 On top of finalizing a college list, polishing up admissions essays and settling in to a solid senior year schedule, now is the time to prepare for college admission interviews. Interviews are only offered by a small percentage of colleges out there, those that are highly selective and, generally speaking, smaller.....
College visit options defined Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Sep 22, 2015 Visiting colleges you are considering is a very important part of the college search process. For most of your life, what school you attended was not a big decision. Most students attended the closest public school. Other students went to private school, but even then, there were not many choices. ....
College fair answers questions for students and parents Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Sep 22, 2015 Visiting colleges you are considering is a very important part of the college search process. For most of your life, what school you attended was not a big decision. Most students attended the closest public school. Other students went to private school, but even then, there were not many choices. ....
College Fair Experience Eases Admissions Anxiety TAPinto.net - Sep 14, 2015 Are you attending a college fair this fall? They can be a great resource for your family to use as an initial jumping board into the college admission journey. They are not just for Juniors and Seniors, Sophomores and Freshmen will also benefit from attending a fair. ....
Pathway to College: Viewing a campus in action Pocono Record - Sep 7, 2015 Visiting college campuses has become a vital part of the college application process, and those visits are best done by high school juniors in the spring, rising seniors in the summer and seniors in the fall...
Virtual college tours with cardboard, a smartphone and YouVisit Austin American-Statesman - Sep 7, 2015 While college students are settling into their dorms, it’s already time for next year’s class of high school students to narrow down their potential school choices and schedule campus visits. Or maybe they can just stay home and start the journey virtually....
College Corner: What To Consider Before, During & After Junior Year College Trips Cape News - May 29, 2015 The spring of junior year in high school can be stressful for students. In addition to high school studies, activities, and exams there are college tests, college visits, proms, and lining up a job for the summer. It is a sensitive time for the students as they begin to prepare for the time that they leave the nest..
When to visit colleges— before or after acceptance? Mercer Island Reporter - May 28, 2015 Question: I was thinking of visiting colleges once I know where I got accepted. Is that ok? Answer: Unfortunately demonstrated interest may play an important role in whether or not you will be accepted..
5 Key Questions to Ask on a College Visit Huffington Post - May 26, 2015 As high schools say goodbye to the Class of 2015, members of the Class of 2016 are making summer plans that include college visits. Often built in as part of a family vacation, summer campus visits can give students a chance to see a college that's too far away to visit in the fall...
Successful summer college visits Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - May 12, 2015 Sometimes summer is the only time students can visit college campuses. However, many experts will advise students against summer college visits because they will not get the full college visit experience. While it is true summer college visits will be different than visits during the bustling academic year, ...
College Corner: Sophomore Year College Trips—Details To Consider Cape News - May 19, 2015 Finally we can smell fresh cut grass and see the budding hyacinths and azaleas. It is a pleasant reminder that we finally got through winter and are having a late but beautiful spring. After spring comes summer, and this article is designed to help parents keep the summer stress free while getting students ready for choosing a colleg ...
How to Make the Most of "Admitted Student" Days Huffington Post - Apr 25, 2015 You might be wondering about what happens once you have been accepted to a college. Or you might be wondering about what happens if you have been accepted to more than one school..
College Admissions: The Spring College Tour Greenwich Free Press - Apr 20, 2015 I visit each Elite Eight and thirty top-tier colleges and universities every winter, spring, summer and fall. These visits are lots of fun and help me to see, feel and understand the many changes that occur on campuses so that I can discuss them directly with my clients..
Visiting prospective colleges key to selection Scranton Times-Tribune - Apr 19, 2015 IWith nicer weather hopefully on the horizon, high school juniors and their parents should consider visiting some prospective colleges during the upcoming months.
Planning ahead can help families get the most benefits from the campus visits...
10 Tips for a Fun and Productive College Visit TeenLife Blog - Apr 17, 2015 In the past five years, my husband and I have taken our daughters on many college visits. We have found actually being on campus to be a valuable tool for our daughter’s in determining whether a college is right for them. But some visits have been more insightful than others...
Countdown to College: Making the most of Accepted Student Days Charlotte Observer - Apr 13, 2015 May 1, the official day where students need to notify colleges if they’re coming this fall, is creeping up on everyone. “Accepted Student Days” are a new-ish phenomenon whose objective is to lure students to say “yes.”....
4 benefits of shadowing a current college student USA Today - Apr 14, 2015 Have you ever wished that you could test drive a college or university before deciding which school to attend? If so, here’s some great news — you can! A growing number of colleges now offer shadowing programs, which allow high school students to spend a day....
Personalized college tours only a ‘Sherpa’ can provide DC College Admissions Examiner - Apr 15, 2015 So you and your family are well into your 10th college tour, and they’re all beginning to sound the same—blue lights, meal ticket swipes and thousands of books in the library....
Colleges add virtual reality tours to recruiting pitches Providence Journal - Apr 5, 2015 As the acceptance -- and rejection -- letters come in, high school seniors across the United States are faced with a big decision: Where should they go to college? The next four years of their lives are at stake, and research can teach you only so much. Sometimes you have to actually visit a school to know whether you'd fit in there.....
Countdown to College: Make that campus visit more meaningful Charlotte Observer - Mar 30, 2015 A few weeks ago I wrote about what NOT to do on your campus visit: Today, as we creep closer to the all-important spring break campus visits, let’s focus on the positive; things you should do during your campus visits that will make them more meaningful......
Addicted to college visits Burlington County Times - Mar 31, 2015 A lot of parents have to worry about their teenagers becoming drug or alcohol addicts. I can proudly report I'm not addicted to either of those, but I am addicted to something else. I'm a college visit addict......
The ideal number of college visits Charlotte Observer - Mar 16, 2015 The twin reasons to visit colleges determine the ideal number of times to visit a particular school. High school sophomores and juniors starting their search for colleges, seniors receiving offers of admission by April 1,......
4 things not to do on your campus visit Charlotte Observer - Mar 16, 2015 High school spring break is the best time to see a campus in full swing; with students shuffling to classes, a cappella groups serenading and individuals and groups demonstrating their viewpoints. It's when you'll get your most honest read on whether the college is a good fit for you......
College visit: open house or individual visit?
Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Mar 13, 2015 When it comes to the college search, visiting colleges is necessary to get a real feel for the campus. Many students can only visit college campuses once, especially if the campus is far away from their home....
Tips for an effective college visit Philadelphia Tribune - Mar 17, 2015 For high school students who are in the process of researching a variety of colleges and universities, admissions professionals recommend scheduling campus visits to get a better feel for the schools. Here are 10 tips for how students can get the most out of college visits......
5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Do During College Visits Her Campus - Mar 9, 2015 College visits are an extremely important part of the college decision process. Often, visiting a campus can help you form an idea of what you are looking for in a college. Standard tours and sitting in on classes are pretty common, but there’s much more you can do while on a college tour....
Spring Into Powerful College Visits Huffington Post - Mar 5, 2015 Springtime is the ideal time of year for high school juniors and their families to visit colleges. Colleges are still in session so you can see authentic college life....
10 Things I Wish I'd Asked During College Visits Huffington Post - Mar 4, 2015 I used to love reading about what to ask on a college tour. The lists ranged from some of the largest news sources to random blogspots hidden after page one of my Google search, and I used quite a few of their questions when I went on my own tours....
What To Bring To A College Interview LearnU - Mar 4, 2015 Preparing for a college interview is nerve wracking on it’s own. Things are definitely kicked up a notch when you’re trying to figure out exactly what you need to bring to a college interview...
Campus Visits Are Over-rated, Stressful Hartford Courant - Feb 23, 2015 High school junior Malia Obama, 16, probably will be visiting college campuses this summer, like other teens nationwide. I suspect, like many such students, she will be getting more advice about this than she thinks she needs,....
A better way to visit colleges Long Island College Prep Examiner - Feb 24, 2015 In order to visit schools on a lengthy college list, many parents and students pack two or three college tours into one day. Three days can net up to nine schools! Whirlwind vacations are notorious for leaving visitors exhausted ....
College Touring Tips Palo Alto Online - Feb 22, 2015 Spring and summer breaks are wonderful times to visit college campuses. If you are planning college tours with your future college students, here are some tips to help make the visits successful. ...
The pros of a spring break campus visit Tyler Paper - Feb 16, 2015 The formal campus visit is an important part of the college application process. I always advise juniors and rising seniors to visit at least their top two or three choices to get a clearer idea of whether a school that looks great on paper is actually a good fit for them in reality.:...
College Admissions: Tips for Fantastic College Visits GoLocalPDX College Admissions - Feb 11, 2015 If you took my prior advice and visited some colleges close to home to understand your preferences, you may be ready for a college road trip. Spring is a great time to visit colleges...
College campus visits and demonstrated interest SF Examiner - Feb 10, 2015 Every year around February, a growing number of junior and even sophomore high school students venture out to visit colleges to which they hope to apply as seniors. ...
College Admissions: The 5 Biggest Campus Visit Mistakes GoLocalProv College Admissions - Feb 2, 2015 With February and March school vacations around the corner, families are busy planning college visits. If you have a junior in high school, now is the time to get on the road! F...
10 Things to Do on a College Trip TeenLife Blog - Jan 30, 2015 “Why Tufts, Harvard, UConn or any other college?” Junior year is usually a busy time as students and their parents plan college visits. Seeing a school can help narrow a student’s top choices and ultimately, provide information....
How to impress in the college interview Charlotte Observer - Jan 26, 2015 When practicing for interviews, students need to tiptoe that fine line between bragging about their accomplishments and sharing significant information....
Prospective Students Should Always Visit The Library Gazettes - Jan 24, 2015 When visiting a campus one of the last places most students want to see is the library, or, depending on the size of the school, the library system. Neglecting the library, however, is a big mistake.....
Do You Want To Build A Snowman? College Visits In February! College Search Game Plan - Jan 20, 2015 Each year colleges and universities are flooded with high school students visiting during their spring vacations. Prospective students love to see the college’s current coeds tossing a Frisbee across the quad or studying for an upcoming exam perched beneath a leafy green tree.....
College interview primer: Show some passion Charlotte Observer - Jan 19, 2015 College applications are submitted, and for some, it’s now time for interviews. The first thing we need to do is to shake that image of the stereotypical elderly, tweed-jacketed, pipe-smoking...
Preparing for a campus visit Philadelphia Tribune - Jan 20, 2015 Visiting colleges is a great way to get a feel for what college is like. And when the time comes, it can help you decide if a specific college is right for you. Here are some tips to get the best out of your campus visit.. ...
The College Interview: Information and Tips Huffington Post - Mar 6, 2014 Most admissions officers say an interview plays only a minor part in the admissions decision, but it may be more important for some if an admission decision has not already been determined. ......
The Spring Break College Tour: A Survival Guide Wall Street Journal - Mar 12, 2014 March Madness is upon us, by which I mean the tradition of taking your high school junior on a manic tour of college campuses. I've done it twice now, so I feel that I have some perspective on how to survive it.....
Seniors: Questions to Ask on a Return College Visit True Admissions Blog - Mar 12, 2014 If you are making a return visit to a college or visiting for the first time after being admitted, make sure you get off the beaten path -- hang out at the student union, visit the study spaces in the library, or browse in the bookstore, ....
Juniors: Questions to Ask when Visiting Campus True Admissions Blog - Mar 12, 2014 In the official group information sessions colleges offer, an admission officer will usually provide an overview of the college -- the school’s history, academic programs, undergraduate life, athletics, the application process, and financial aid-- followed by a question and answer session for students and parents...
How to make the most of Charlotte’s College Fair Charlotte Observer - Mar 3, 2014 Attending your local college fair is a great way for students and parents to dip their toes in the waters of college exploration. It’s crazy loud, crazy crowded and yes, a little intimidating, but it often yields great results...
How to get the most out of college tours Lancaster Online - Mar 3, 2014 How to choose the right college? A daunting question, considering the big chunk of time and cash involved, but guidance counselors and prospective students say that campus visits are a crucial part of the process....
"What Do You Want To Major In?" - College Interview Tips About.com - Feb 26, 2014 Many, many college applicants are not yet sure about a major. So if a college interviewer asks you about your desired field of study, don't panic. You don't want to shrug your shoulders and dismiss the question,...
Try practice campus visits close to home Charlotte Observer - Feb 24, 2014 Common wisdom dictates that when you are approaching a big project, the best way to deal with it is to break it down into smaller bite-size pieces. When tackling the campus visit component of the college admissions process, I advise families to “start local.”...
College Admissions: The 5 Biggest Campus Visit Mistakes GoLocalProv - Feb 10, 2014 With February and March school vacations around the corner, families are busy planning college visits. If you have a junior in high school, now is the time to get on the road! Families who delay inevitably face a myriad of empty campus tours in summer...
Best Advice for College Visits True Admission Blog - Feb 12, 2014 The rite of passage that is the college visit is one of the most important influences in determining where students will eventually apply. Walking across a campus, grabbing a cup of coffee in the student union, buying a sweatshirt at the bookstore...
Hey Guys! Let's Go to a (College) Fair! Huffington Post - Feb 10, 2014 What is a College Fair? A college fair is an event in which college admissions representatives come together at a school, community-gathering place or large convention center to meet one-on-one with high school students...
On College: When an interviewer seems out of line, report it San Jose Mercury News - Feb 10, 2014 Over the years, I have heard some strange stories about college interviews. Most have to do with quirky questions posed to the students. But this year, I have heard three particularly shocking tales that have left me baffled....
Juniors: Check out a College Fair True Admissions Blog - Jan 29, 2014 Juniors should be knee deep in creating an initial list of colleges. Here's another tool for your research arsenal -- college fairs. At college fairs, admission representatives or alumni are present to answer questions and pass out brochures and other information to students and their families...
"Tell Me About Yourself" - A Simple Interview Question? About.com - Jan 25, 2014 Your college interviewer wants to have a pleasant and meaningful conversation with you, so she or he is going to ask you some softball questions to get the dialogue rolling. One of the most common?--"Tell me about yourself." ...
7 Ways to Make College Visits More Fun Her Campus - Jan 14, 2014 We know you have college visits lined up left and right from now until May. While touring each campus and checking out the available dorm rooms are extremely important, it can be difficult to stay interested ...
10 Ways to Ruin Your Next Campus Visit Her Campus - Jan 14, 2014 You've finally narrowed down a few of your favorite colleges, and after stacking your desk high with college brochures, you're ready to take the next step. It's time to take a college tour! You have done everything right so far, from juggling extracurriculars to acing your SATs, ...
The 5 Best Questions To Ask Your College Interviewer Her Campus - Jan 5, 2014 Imagine this scenario: you get to the end of an amazing college interview—your dream college interview, to be exact—and your interviewer asks you if you have any questions. You could shake your head with a polite, “No, you’ve answered everything!” But that response won't leave a lasting impression....
6 Things You Need to Say in Your College Interview Her Campus - Dec 31, 2013 Applying to college on paper is nerve-wracking in itself, so it’s no wonder that a face-to-face conversation with an admissions officer can be intimidating! Not all colleges recommend an interview during the application process, but those that do take your conversation into serious consideration...
What is the best interview advice for students? True Admissions Blog - Dec 16, 2013 Informational, evaluative, alumni, admission office, scholarship— there are several different types of interviews. Students may be talking with an admission officer on the college campus, an alumnus at the local Starbucks, or with a scholarship committee over Skype....
"Who Has Most Influenced You?" - College Interview Tips About.com - Dec 7, 2013 Who has most influenced you? Who is your hero? Who most helped make you who you are today? The questions sound easy enough, and there's a good chance your college interviewer will ask a question like these.....
Tips for College Admission Interviews Spokane College Examiner - Dec 6, 2013 The college admission process provides a lot of opportunities for prospective students to tell colleges about themselves. Though most colleges do not require an interview for admission....
Seniors: Beware the Biggest Interview Faux Pas True Admissions Blog - Dec 3, 2013 Admission officers say that, by far, the most frequent interview faux pas are wardrobe malfunctions— blouses that pop open, spaghetti strap tops that are too skimpy, flies that are unzipped, workout clothes that look like you just .....
Knock-Em-Dead College Admissions Interviews Huffington Post - Nov 27, 2013 It's almost Thanksgiving. Are you one of the scores of students who has already turned in an early college application? If yes, good for you. Even if you haven't, it's time to begin thinking about college admissions interviews.....
How to Nail Your College Interview Her Campus - Nov 8, 2013 You’ve spent hours toiling away at all those applications and finally, after proofreading each essay so many times that you could probably recite them all from memory, you submit them......
Prepare for These College Interview Questions About.com - Oct 19, 2013 If you're visiting colleges in the coming months, your time on campus is a great opportunity to arrange an interview. The interview gives you a chance to put a face and personality to your application.....
5 Secrets for Great College Visits Parade - Sep 25, 2013 Autumn is here, which means plenty of high school juniors and seniors and their parents are kicking into gear for a little college-bound sightseeing. ....
Visiting Colleges: A Pre-Collegiette's Guide Her Campus - Sep 19, 2013 Choosing where you want to attend college can feel like a daunting task. It’s all about where you want to be, what you want to study, and which school is right for you. While a school may seem perfect on paper, to really experience it, you’ll have to go on a college tour....
How to Succeed in an Admissions Interview Huffington Post - Aug 20, 2013 Many colleges and universities offer admissions interviews with either admissions staff or alumni in order to get to know prospective students. This is your chance to not only discover how well you might fit into a certain college's environment, but also to present yourself as an ideal candidate for acceptance. ...
A Dad's Suggestions for a Better College Tour The College Solution Blog - Jun 17, 2013 I am sharing an email that I received this week from a dad who had just completed a college trip with his daughter and had some helpful suggestions for schools on how to operate better college tours ...
Tips to Prepare for a College Interview Huffington Post - Jun 17, 2013 Now that summer is upon us, many high school juniors are thinking ahead to next year with anticipation of submitting their college applications. Summer is a great time to visit college campuses to start putting together your college list...
Juniors: Questions to Ask on a College Visit Tru Admissions Blog - Mar 27, 2013 When visiting a college, admission officers are the best resources for answers to specific questions about the application process, a college’s mission and future plans, and most aspects of daily life on campus— academics, housingť...
Go mobile on your college visits USA Today - Mar 26, 2013 If your spring break or summer vacation plans include visiting college campuses, you don’t have to wait until you set foot on campus to start your visit. You can visit college before you leave home with just a smartphone in hand.ť...
Top 10 questions to ask on college visits: Part 2 Long Island College Prep Examiner - Mar 25, 2013 While a college application is all about the student showing what he can do for the school, college visits should be about finding out what the college can do for the student. The "collegecation" (family vacay plus college visit) is a fun part of college prep that helps students decide if it is in their best interest to apply and attend....
How to Plan a College Visit Road Trip Over Spring Break Her Campus - Mar 19, 2013 Spring break is right around the corner and pre-collegiettes from all across the country are beginning to plan their long-awaited college visits. It is a prime time for visiting colleges and checking out which schools pique your interest. ....
Making the most of your campus visits Charlotte Observer - Mar 5, 2013 Last week I may have guilted a few people into changing their vacation plans. They will now be visiting college campuses over spring break instead of basking on the beach. I’m okay with that!....
Top 10 nonacademic reasons why parents and students visit colleges: Part 1 Long Island College Prep Examiner - Mar 5, 2013 Counselors and colleges urge prospective students to schedule college visits as part of college prep to help them form a college list. Although both students and parents want to find the best educational fit, there are key nonacademic factors that can drop a college off the list.....
Juniors: Schedule At Least One Interview This Spring Tru Admssions Blog - Feb 20, 2013 Juniors, we recommend you do at least one interview, if possible, in the spring of junior year in high school. As you visit colleges over spring break, go through the process of interviewing or if there is a college near where you live, schedule an interview there if offered....
Insider tips for the college interview NY College Admissions Examiner - Feb 16, 2013 As an alumna interviewer for Brown University, I meet with Brown hopefuls every fall, interviewing them for admission to the university. At Brown and other highly competitive colleges, many factors affect admissions, and the interview is only one piece of the admissions pie. ....
College prep: Plan ahead for the optimal college visit The Coloradoan - Feb 19, 2013 Some families have plans for college visits during the upcoming spring break. But if your family doesn’t have that on the agenda and you have a high school student, or even a middle school student, it can be a worthy side trip to add a college tour or two to your plans...
Making the Most of a College Visit U.S. News University- - Feb 18, 2013 As spring quickly approaches, high school juniors should begin planning visits to the colleges they are interested in. This is often one of the best ways they can get to know their prospective schools and decide if they are right for them....