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This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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ARCHIVES Something New - Something Old
We have been asked more than once to have access to the archives. It sounds easy, but it required some thought on how to make it really useful. We are still working on it but here's what we have so far. Archives you will also see at the end of some of the topic sections a link to the archive for that topic. Let us know what you think. Thanks. |
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Dwindling Midwest High School Grads Spur College Hunt Businessweek/Bloomberg - Feb 26, 2014 A waning number of high school graduates from the Midwest is sparking a college hunt for freshman applicants, with the decline being felt as far away as Harvard and Emory universities....
Colorblind Notion Aside, Colleges Grapple With Racial Tension New York Times - Feb 25, 2014 ANN ARBOR, Mich. — A brochure for the University of Michigan features a vision of multicultural harmony, with a group of students from different racial backgrounds sitting on a verdant lawn, smiling and conversing.....
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Focus on Creativity, Passion to Create a Killer College Application US News - Feb 24, 2014 Given the plethora of options available to help students improve their marks on college entrance examinations like the ACT and SAT, as well as the popularity of the Common Application, it can be difficult for students to distinguish themselves to admissions committees....
College Admissions: 5 Reasons to Attend College in Canada GoLocalProv College Admissions - Feb 24, 2014 With many U.S. universities exceeding $50,000 per year (and some $60,000+), families are struggling to pay for college in a stagnant economy. Yet few consider the bargains available in Canada. Before you dismiss this northern option, consider a few compelling reasons to venture across the border:....
10 Ways to Have a Gold Medal-Worthy Senior Year Huffington Post - Feb 19, 2014 Just like the Olympics are a demonstration of athletic superiority, so is senior year of high school for college readiness. Colleges want students who take their academics to the next level. Senior year of high school should be a time for mastery, of exploration and of rigor....
Use Your Most Powerful Tool for Getting Into College Lamorinda Weekly - Feb 26, 2014 As a college advisor I give college related advice all year round. One of the most common conversations I have with families is about high school coursework-what to take, when to take it and how much it matters (to get into a good college).....
How to "Demonstrate Interest" When Applying to College About.com - Feb 21, 2014 A study by NACAC, the National Association for College Admission Counseling, found that about half of all colleges and universities claim that an applicant's demonstrated interest in their school is either highly or moderately important in the admissions process....
Letters of Recommendation
The Art of the College Recommendation Letter The Atlantic - Feb 24, 2014 In late September, seniors case my classroom in the early morning and charge in before I’ve turned on my laptop. They corner me at the copy machine and at the entrance to the faculty lounge. They each want the same thing: a letter of recommendation.”...
Visits and Interviews
Try practice campus visits close to home Charlotte Observer - Feb 24, 2014 Common wisdom dictates that when you are approaching a big project, the best way to deal with it is to break it down into smaller bite-size pieces. When tackling the campus visit component of the college admissions process, I advise families to “start local.”...
What Makes a Great College Essay Huffington Post - Feb 21, 2014 A great college essay is more than a good story. Students should ask themselves some
questions before writing and while proofreading any rough drafts.....
BIG SCORE - When Mom takes the SATs. New Yorker - Mar 4, 2014 Taking the SATs is not something to do lightly. Nevertheless, on a frigid Saturday morning not long ago, I found myself filing into a classroom with twenty sleep-deprived teen-agers. One of the girls was carrying two giant SAT review books studded with pink Post-its.....
Colleges that do NOT superscore the SAT DC College Admissions Examiner - Feb 24, 2014 Calculating a “superscore” is the process by which a college considers a student’s best score from each individual SAT or ACT section, regardless of the date the test was taken......
 | How students can ace the SAT Yahoo - Feb 25, 2014 The typical student preparing for the SAT might raise his or her score by 20 points or so through studying and practicing. Debbie Stier raised her score by 340 points. Her son Ethan raised his score by a stunning 590 points.....
Low ACT Scores? What Now? About.com - Feb 24, 2014 There's so much hype surrounding a few of the country's most selective colleges that many applicants feel they need a 35 or 36 composite score on the ACT to get into a good college. The reality is quite different....
 | Job Hunting? Dig Up Those Old SAT Scores Wall Street Journal - Feb 25, 2014 Stephen Robert Morse was a candidate for a communications job when the recruiter told him to be ready to discuss his SAT score in a coming interview....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Feb 19, 2014 An Update on the State of Counselors and College Admission Training It’s been a little over two years since The Chronicle of Higher Education published a column on the lack of training counselors receive in college admission counseling ... More
Support college counselors - an investment in our future
SFGate - Feb 25, 2014 Across the country, relentless financial pressures are forcing public school leaders to make difficult choices about programs and staffing. School systems are trying to save dollars wherever possible....
The Role Of Parents In The College Application Process The Huffington Post - Feb 25, 2014 It's incredibly hard to believe that our kids are heading off to college or are already there. As parents, we reflect on their growing years, our involvement at their schools, at sporting events or making costumes for their plays...
How a College Roommate Can Affect Your Child New York Times - Feb 24, 2014 When you have a child off at college, you worry about his general health, state of mind, alcohol use — and, as you sign those tuition checks, academic achievement. But how much thought do you give to your child’s roommate?...
Claiming Valuable Education Tax Credits The College Solution Blog - Feb 24, 2014 If you have a child in college, do you qualify for a federal tax credit or tax deduction? These are valuable tax benefits that can help you defray the rising cost of a college degree and yet some parents have no idea that they exist or whether they would qualify....
How Many Colleges Were Misleading Students About Financial Aid? Washington Monthly - Feb 21, 2014 Trying to find enough money to pay for college is a challenge for many high school students. Along with the escalating cost of college, and the institutions’ much-publicized habit of obscuring their true costs, just finding where the money is available is a big challenge...
David Haufler: College financial aid how-to a must-read for parents Dallas Morning News - Feb 23, 2014 We all know the importance of a college education — studies indicate it can even increase one’s earning potential by up to $1 million over the course of his or her career — but we also know the daunting numbers involved. College costs vary widely, but many students receive some form of financial aid from scholarships and grants...
The 12 Best Pre-College Summer Programs Her Campus - Feb 20, 2014 As a high school student, it’s hard to know what colleges are looking for in their applicants. Officer positions in clubs and good grades in advanced-level classes are always a nice place to start, but it’s the students who go the extra mile (literally!) who tend to catch the eyes of admission officers....
Community college is worth exploring NorthJersey.com - Feb 23, 2014 Although it’s not for everyone who wants to attend college, I advocate considering a community college, especially when students are not sure about their career goals (that could be close to everyone) or are not ready for a four-year college. And I’m not the only advocate ...
Teens rally for jobs at State House Boston Globe - Feb 21, 2014 TRather than sleep in during school vacation, students from across Massachusetts woke up early Thursday and took to the streets of Boston to rally for summer jobs funding.....
Teen Jobs

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Teen Jobs
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