About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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The real reason that colleges go ‘test-optional’ Hechinger Report - Aug 26, 2015 When George Washington University announced last month that it was adopting a “test-optional” admissions policy, it repeated a standard line made by colleges that allow prospective students to opt out of sending SAT or ACT scores...
Black Colleges Matter: And We Have the Data to Prove It Newsweek - Aug 27, 2015 september 18 brought us yet another article claiming that Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) are doomed and will all be gone soon, save a few. This time the author is Alexander Nazaryan and the media outlet is Newsweek...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Don’t make this dangerous college mistake The College Solution Blog - Sep 1, 2015 Here is what typically happens during college admission season: Students apply to whatever colleges they want without having any clue about whether these schools will give them grants and/or scholarships. ...
Building Relationships with Teachers for Recommendation Letters TeenLife Blog - Aug 26, 2015 When submitting a college application, one of the most important components is the recommendation letter from one of your teachers. The reason being is that colleges want to get to know you for more than just statistics and grades...
College Admissions: Why Starting in 9th Grade Matters GoLocalProv College Admissions - Aug 31, 2015 Every fall, I see families of seniors in “crunch mode”, trying desperately to catch up on college visits, SAT/ACT testing, financial aid forms and applications. Which begs the question,...
Market your way into college Long Island College Prep Examiner - Aug 31, 2015 As more colleges shy away from reliance on standardized test scores, more emphasis is placed on other parts of the college application. Technology has also transformed the college admission process ...
COLLEGE COUNSELOR: Grinnell Case Study In Researching A College Gazette Newspapers - Aug 29, 2015 The better you know prospective campuses, the better you can figure out which might fit in with your postsecondary expectations. If you don’t have any or few expectations formed as yet, doing some research will get your thoughts of college into motion....
3 Tips to Stop High School Senioritis Before It Starts US News - Aug 31, 2015 Senioritis is one of the most significant problems that all high school students face. Once the second semester of senior year begins and college acceptance letters start to arrive, it is extremely difficult for high school seniors to remain focused on the task at hand....
College admission still a hurdle for homeschoolers OneNewsNow - Aug 27, 2015 ncreasingly, homeschooled students being told they have to obtain a GED in order to be admitted to college. A recent incident in Florida is a textbook example of that growing trend....
Countdown to College: Get going on that college essay Charlotte Observer - Aug 27, 2015 Fear and procrastination are the two biggest stumbling blocks for seniors as they consider the college essay. The essay is uniformly considered the most stressful part of the college application process....
How to Perfect Your College Application Essay Her Campus - Aug 24, 2015 Most college applications require some standard forms about your academic history, transcript, GPA, extracurriculars, letters of recommendations and the essay. The forms are all pretty self explanatory and cover all the basics—not too bad overall. The essay is a whole different ballgame. ...
Common Application Prompt #1 GoLocalPDX College Admissions - Aug 31, 2015 Common Application Prompt #1 This is an actual college application essay written in response to the Common Application prompt: Share Your Story. It is followed by comments from admissions professionals about what makes this personal statement effective. ,...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Sep 3, 2015 The Newsletter You Really Want to Send The start of the school year is rich with freshness and opportunity, yet this newness is too often derailed by well-meaning parents who are deathly afraid of the college application process More
 | Back To School? Back To The Piggy Bank NPR.org - Sep 1, 2015 So if you add up all the college costs that students and parents probably didn't plan for — the stuff that isn't tuition and room and board — how big is that number? ...
Discussing finances with your college-bound student Bay Area College Admissions Examiner - Aug 27, 2015 An important conversation that needs to happen between college-bound students and their parents is about finances. And, the conversation needs to happen sooner, rather than later. Unfortunately, many new college students have arrived on college campuses ...
How Schools Are Handling An 'Overparenting' Crisis NPR.org - Aug 28, 2015 Have you ever done your children's homework for them? Have you driven to school to drop off an assignment that they forgot? Have you done a college student's laundry? What about coming along to Junior's first job interview?..
4 Ways To Pay For College When You Haven't Started Saving Forbes - Aug 31, 2015 Are your kids entering high school, and you haven’t saved much for college? It’s amazing how fast time flies when you have children. One moment they are starting their first day of school, the next they are entering high school...
Grandparent Power: Bonds With Seniors Help Stabilize Teens Wall Street Journal - Aug 31, 2015 Teens who form close, loving relationships with a grandparent are more likely to have fewer behavioral and emotional problems than less-attached teens, says a study published online in the American Journal of Orthopsychiatry...
15 colleges and 15 different policies on new writing tests DC College Admissions Examiner - Aug 26, 2015 For many colleges and universities, the jury is still out as to the overall usefulness of the essay component of the new or “redesigned” SAT (rSAT), scheduled for its first administration in March 2016. ...
High School Teachers Dish on Why ACT Scores Aren't Improving US News - Aug 31, 2015 Student achievement on the ACT, the popular college admissions test, hasn't improved in years.
The national average ACT composite score for graduating high school students in 2015 was 21 out of a possible 36, according to the organizer's annual report on college and career readiness, released last week. This average has remained roughly ...
ACT’s President Answers a Few Final Questions Before Putting Down His Pencil Chronicle of Higher Ed - Aug 27, 2015 When Jon Erickson joined the ACT, in 1984, the college-admissions process was not yet a front-page fixation. These days, he can’t go to a dinner party without anxious parents asking him to explain the secret recipe for conquering the ACT and getting into a big-name college....
Learning Disabilities
Time to Fix the Fafsa New York Times - OpEd - Aug 27, 2015 Is Congress finally ready to pass legislation that would make it easier for harried parents and students to apply for federal financial aid?.. ..
Why We Desperately Need To Bring Back Vocational Training In Schools Forbes - Aug 21, 2015 Is CTE a good idea for me? CTE, or career and technical education, used to be called vocational education. Programs available now are varied and designed to prepare students for jobs in today’s economy. In addition to traditional, but still in-demand trade...
Would CTE fit your needs? Here’s what you should know Philadelphia Public School Notebook - Sep 1, 2015 Throughout most of U.S. history, American high school students were routinely taught vocational and job-ready skills along with the three Rs: reading, writing and arithmetic. Indeed readers of a certain age are likely to have fond memories of huddling over wooden workbenche...
Viewpoint on Education: Massachusetts tech ed training funds are money well spent MASSLive - Sep 2, 2015 Computer science education just took a huge step here in the Bay State thanks to a legislative appropriation of $1.5 million in the new fiscal year state budget. The Massachusetts Computing Attainment Network (MassCAN) has worked for the past two years to improve computer science education in our K-12 schools....
The 48 best colleges in the Northeast Pocono Record - Sep 1, 2015 We recently released our seventh annual list of the best colleges in America, which included schools from all over the US. We decided to narrow that list down to take a closer look at the top colleges in the Northeast region.....
New approach sought for selling manufacturing jobs to young people Manchester Union Leader - Sep 1, 2015 MANCHESTER — Doing a better job marketing the merits of manufacturing jobs and offering more apprenticeships would convince more students to go into areas needing skilled workers, according to business and educational leaders....
HOW TO TALK TO YOUR KIDS ABOUT BULLYING ABC-7 News - Aug 28, 2015 While more than one in four children say they have experienced being bullied, only 20-30 percent of those children ever report it to an adult ..

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