About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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College Is A 4-Year-Long Balancing Act For First-Generation Students NPR.org - Nov 1, 2016 When you're facing a major life change, it helps to talk to someone who's already been through it. All Things Considered is connecting people on either side of a shared experience, and they're letting us eavesdrop on their conversations in our series Been There.....
What Is a College Education Worth? New York Times - Oct 31, 2016 As they look to graduation, many Topeka High seniors are debating the value of a college education. Is it worth their while to go to a four-year institution? Or should they choose a two-year degree, technical school or the work force instead?..
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Surviving the College Admissions Roller Coaster TeenLife Blog - Nov 1, 2016 Applying to college has its ups and downs, and twists and turns. And, like a roller coaster, it can be an exciting, joyful ride or a painful, nauseating experience. But unlike a roller coaster, you don't have to be at the mercy of uncontrollable forces when applying to college ..
HOW TO MAKE THE MOST OF A COLLEGE FAIR CollegeVine Blog - Nov 1, 2016 Before you apply to any colleges, you want to find out as much as possible about those schools, from their admissions requirements to their community environments. Gathering this information is the only way to have a good chance of finding a college that’s a great fit for you ..
'Coalition' Expands Eligibility Criteria for Shared Admissions Application Chronicle of Higher Ed - Nov 1, 2016 The Coalition for Access, Affordability, and Success has expanded its membership criteria, the group announced in an email to college counselors on Monday. The new standards could allow a more-diverse array of colleges to start using the new shared admission application as early as next year. ..
How to Make Sense of College Rankings New York Times - Sunday Review - Oct 30, 2016 Willard Dix is one of the crankiest observers of the college admissions process I know; he's also one of the smartest. He worked at Amherst, his alma mater, then advised college-bound students at a private secondary school in Chicago. He now blogs about higher education., ..
Last opportunity to apply Early Decision - November 1 News Tribune Oct 27, 2016 This is it. Many students have either just made or will be making the big decision whether or not to apply Early Decision (ED) within the next day or so; November 1 at 11:59pm is the official deadline for most colleges and universities with an ED application option.. ..
Should I Apply Early Decision? The College Solution Blog - Oct 28, 2016 This is the time of year when high school seniors aiming for prestigious colleges and universities must decide if they will apply early decision. ..
5 Steps to Boost Your Early Action College Apps VOA News - Nov 1, 2016 Breathing easier after November college admissions deadlines have passed? But wait … here are a few actions you can take to further improve your chances of acceptance! ..
Put the personal back in the college essay: USA Today - Nov 1, 2016 November marks the start of application deadines for eager college students. Why did so many of them spend time and money having someone else help them create the perfect personal essay? Doesn't that defeat the very point? ..
Ready, set, write ... great college essays Standard-Examiner - Oct 29, 2016 It's nearing the end of the year, and if you're a high school senior, that means it's time to start college applications -- if you haven't already. Most of the application is technical information and filling out forms ..
Students with Disabilities
College planning for students with disabilities Mansfield News Journal - Nov 1, 2016 For families of children dealing with learning disabilities, much of the journey includes sleepless nights and frustrating days. While a diagnosis provides clarity, parents must then turn their attention to schooling, which from kindergarten to 12th grade means either an Individual Education Plan or 504 Plan ..
Financial aid for students with disabilities NJ.com - Nov 1, 2016 It's not easy for anyone to pay for a college education. The costs of tuition, housing, board and other fees have continued to rise. More students are applying to colleges which means competition has risen. It is sometimes equally difficult for a student to deal with a physical, emotional or learning disability ..
Teen Finds Gap in College Access For Those With Disabilities Women News - Oct 31, 2016 FREEHOLD, N.J. (WOMENSENEWS)- Growing up, there was never a question whether I was going to attend college. My family considers postsecondary education a must, and my good grades have been a steady indicator that college is the place for me. ..
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Nov 3, 2016 Now that November 1st is Gone... The last week has been way more trick than treat for most high school counselors. More high school seniors than ever before have been applying to colleges through early application program.. More
Teen Depression and Anxiety: What Parents Can Do TIME - Oct 27, 2016 If you're worried about an adolescent and aren't sure what to do, you can this advice from Fadi Haddad, MD, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and the author of Helping Kids in Crisis. ...
Beyond the College Drinking Game Psychology Today - Nov 2, 2016 Drinking on campus is nothing new, but the extent to which we are seeing binge drinking on campus, coupled with a level of excessive drinking that leads to a trip to the emergency room, is a relatively new and disturbing phenomenon worth addressing. Consequently, parents find themselves shifting from the mentality, ...
SOME THINGS TO KNOW WHEN YOU'RE TAKING THE SAT MTV - Oct 28, 2016 I bombed the SAT. Twice, to be exact. I was sitting in a neighboring town's high school cafeteria where the test was being administered on a Saturday morning in November. We were instructed by the proctor to start filling out our Scantron sheets with our personal information...
Should your student take the SAT/ACT or not? Philadelphia Public School Notebook- - Oct 28, 2016 I get it. A lot of our students aren't confident test-takers. They hear about how “hard” the SAT or ACT is and they want no part of it. Now, with many colleges and universities having a test-optional admission process, it might seem as if we can safely direct students and their families to take the test-optional route...
Digging For Scholarships Can Turn Up College Gold Forbes - Nov 1, 2016 As I've written here previously, whatever your income you should file the FAFSA and, if required by the college, the CSS PROFILE. That way, you'll be eligible for federal aid and in line for college-based awards. ..
4 Need-to-Know Facts About State Aid for College US News - Oct 31, 2016 With the rising cost of tuition, more students and their families are relying on grants to pay for college.
The College Board's 2016 Trends in Higher Education report found that undergraduate students received an average of $14,460 in financial aid during the 2015-2016 ..
Financial Aid for College not Reaching Foster Youth Diverse - Oct 31, 2016 On a rainy Thursday evening, Jorge Padrón came to his high school library on a mission: to find a way to pay for his college education. “It's scary when you see these prices,” said his father, Jorge Padrón Sr ..
Detecting a scholarship scam Twin Falls Times-News - Oct 31, 2016 If you're headed back to school or have a child considering higher education next year, it's time to start thinking about tuition. As college becomes more and more expensive, ..
Career and Technical Education
The Need to Validate Vocational Interests The Atlantic - Oct 31, 2016 At a recent conference, I listened to a university president boast about a program she had developed in partnership with several local high schools. She told the story of one teenager who lived in a rural area and worked full time on his family's farm in addition to attending high school...
A case mounts for vocational education Education Dive - Nov 2, 2016 Most data indicates that people fare better financially and emotionally with higher education, and new research suggests that more working adults will return to college in the near future to learn new skills to keep up with technology and changing industrial trends...
VTDIGGER FACT CHECKER: IS MINTER'S COLLEGE PROMISE PLAN EMPTY? VT Digger - Nov 2, 2016 Claim: Sue Minter has said that if she wins the election she will introduce the “Vermont Promise,” a plan to pay tuition for Vermont high school graduates to attend two years of college at the Community College of Vermont or Vermont Technical College. ..
Manufacturing summit welcomes 185 high school and middle school girls Modern Materials Handling - Nov 1, 2016 More than 185 middle and high school girls came together to participate in the third annual “Connecticut. Dream It. Do It. Making It Real: Girls & Manufacturing Summit” at the Hartford/Windsor Marriott in Windsor, Conn., on Oct. 28, 2016. ..
Teens and Drugs
Opioid Overdoses Nearly Triple Among Kids, Teens WebMD - Nov 1, 2016 MONDAY, Oct. 31, 2016 (HealthDay News) -- The number of young children and teens hospitalized for overdosing on opioid painkillers have spiked nearly threefold in recent years, a new study finds..
Opioid addiction: Kids and teens WebMD - Nov 1, 2016 We know opioid addiction is a major problem in our state, but how does it affect teenagers and kids? According to officials with Yale School of Medicine, among children one to four years old the number for poisonings went up 205 percent from 1997 to 2012...

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