About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by High School Counselor Marketing.
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How The House And Senate Bills Affect Higher Ed NPR.org - Dec 8, 2017 Colleges and universities across the country are expected to be hit hard by the Republican tax plan. The House and Senate bills differ in important ways, but both would mean big changes for higher ed.....
New Higher Education Bill Rolls Back Obama-Era Safeguards New York Times - Dec 12, 2017 WASHINGTON — Congressional Republicans begin work on Tuesday on an extensive rewrite of the law that governs the nation’s system of higher education, seeking to dismantle landmark Obama administration regulations designed to protect students from predatory for-profit colleges ...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
Why is choosing a college major so fraught with anxiety? Washington Post - Dec 8, 2017 This is the time of year when college majors probably garner the most attention — from high school seniors who often need to pick one to complete their admissions applications and from undergraduates returning...
Texting Teens? Proceed with Caution Inside Higher Ed - Dec 7, 2017 Let’s be clear: just because the average teen texts dozens of times a day doesn’t mean they want to get texts from you —or the college or university you work for....
Denied College Admission? Should You Appeal? Pleasanton Weekly - Dec 8, 2017 Paul was denied admission to a private college that he, his parents, and high school counselor all had agreed matched his interests and academic profile. The question the parents asked me was “Should we appeal the decision?”....
College Advice: Early Decision As Reality Therapy Forbes - Dec 7, 2017 As legions of teenagers around the world anxiously await Early Decisions from colleges and universities — including here at Drew University where we are currently up more than 30% in applications over a year ago....
Lady Bird and Your College Application Essay HuffPost - Dec 13, 2017 If you’re a high school senior, the next few days might be the most stressful of the year. Sleepless nights, nervous eating, nail biting, and snapping at whoever crosses your path...
The December affliction of Reluctant Writer Syndrome Tribune News Service - Dec 12, 2017 Reluctant Writer Syndrome, like the flu, hits every year around this time. Most typically affected are high school senior boys, who seem to specialize in procrastination....
Essay is a critical part of a college application Chicago Tribune - Dec 7, 2017 While some colleges have eased their requirements for essays in the admissions process, the Common Application continues to require one essay. Many schools also require supplemental essays. T...
Students with Disabilities
How to Prepare for College When You Have a Disability Her Campus - Dec 10, 2017 If you have a disability, planning to attend college might seem like a nightmare — but in reality, with a bit of preparation, you can do anything you put your mind to. It’s important to know your rights as a disabled student..
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Dec 14, 2017 The More Things Change High school counselling offices are busy with the sounds of college this week. PSAT results are being returned, leading juniors to wonder about the next steps in their exploration of college. .... More
Changing College Majors: It’s Really Common The College Solution Blog - Dec 12, 2017 Are you worried that your teenager doesn’t know what college major he or she wants? In my experience, it’s a common worry that parents of high school students experience....
Letting go: Tips for parents sending kids to college MSU Post - Dec 11, 2017 As a child gets older, it may seem like forever before they will be leaving for college. It is so true when they say “time flies when you are having fun” changing diapers, doing homework, traveling to sporting events and packing lunches...
Transform Your PSAT Score Into an SAT Game Plan US News - Dec 11, 2017 This year, high school students will receive their PSAT scores on December 11, 12 or 13. PSAT scores range from 320 to 1520. The redesigned PSAT adheres more closely to the revised SAT,...
Fill out that FAFSA: College financial aid goes fast Herald-Review - Dec 10, 2017 The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, filing period began Oct. 1, and high school counselors have been urging their students to take advantage of the online system and get their applications completed. Like yesterday....
Money Matters: Financial aid myths WMUR - Dec 7, 2017 Some private colleges are now crossing the $70,000-per-year cost for the 2017/2018 school year. Public colleges are also getting expensive. This means that financial aid is essential for some families, yet many don’t know much about the process....
5 Mistakes That Could Cost You That College Scholarship TeenLife Blog - Dec 6, 2017 Applying for scholarships requires a commitment of time and a dedication to persevere. It is a job in the truest sense of the word. You will most likely spend hours upon hours applying for scholarships ...
Career and Technical Education
Vocational ed must place more focus on lifelong learning, soft skills Education Drive - Dec 13, 2017 Most current vocational programs in schools are too narrow in focus to easily adapt to rapidly developing technology, Robert Urzillo, retired superintendent and current director of the graduate education program at Rosemont College, writes for District Administration...
Timing of Vocational Education Matters EdWeek (registration required) - Dec 8, 2017 Career and technical education is finally getting the recognition it so richly deserves. But to make it even more relevant, a new study found that such classes were most influential in the junior and senior years of high school ..
Teen Dating
Common Teen Behaviors Can Be Red Flags for Dating Violence NBC Washington - Dec 12, 2017 At first, Taylor Brown thought her high school boyfriend's sexual aggression was normal. She was just 16. He touched her without her consent, read her emails and sent her male friends texts from her phone to try to get them to confess that she cheated on him with them.. ..
Victims of Teen Violence May Begin Dating at an Earlier Age PsychCentral.com - Dec 8, 2017 Teen victims of violence tend to date and enter into romantic relationships at an earlier age, according to a new American Sociological Review study. On average, victimized youth begin romantic relationships about nine months earlier than non-victimized youth.. ..
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