About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Second Thoughts About Higher Education Decisions Inside Higher Ed - Jun 1, 2017 A majority of Americans who attended college say they received a quality education. But half would change at least one of these three decisions if they could do it all over again: the type of degree they pursued or their choice of major or institution. ...
The first crack in the US college cartel New York Post - Jun 1, 2017 When it comes to the cost of college, we may have reached the tipping point. According to a recent report in the New York Times, several colleges contacted applicants they hadn’t heard from after the official May 1 deadline to accept an admissions offer to see if they wouldn’t like to reconsider. ...
Men saying “no thanks” to college Denver Post - Jun 4, 2017 John Maxwell is curious about the world and freely shares, in casual conversation, tidbits of English history. Yet he says he’ll never again set foot in a college classroom...
Ethical College Admissions: Flawed Ways High Schools Boast About Students' Successes Inside Higher Ed - Jun 5, 2017 A week or so ago there was an interesting exchange on the e-list for the Association of College Counselors in Independent Schools. A counselor was being asked by his or her head of school to include the number of students attending their first-choice college as part of the end-of-year report to the board. ...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
How College Waitlists Work Against Low Income Students Forbes - Jun 4, 2017 College counselors advise most high school seniors to apply to six to eight colleges, with some students choosing to apply to as many as twenty or thirty schools. Although costly, applying to several colleges means students can be confident they’ll attend a college in the fall ...
College Advice For Juniors: Seeking The Right Recommendations Forbes - Jun 1, 2017 The high school year ends soon, so Juniors who have not already lined up their two teacher recommendations and laid a sound foundation for their counselor recommendation might want to act now, because the best time for most teachers and counselors to concentrate on writing is during the summer ...
Campus Visits
Make Every Summer College Visit Count CapeNews - Jun 2, 2017 Would you like to save money and time when looking at colleges this summer? Let’s try to make every visit count, as you probably have a limited amount of time to visit colleges this summer. ....
College visits give teens something to dream of myCentralJersey - Jun 1, 2017 For many families, summer is the most convenient season for visiting colleges. It may not be the ideal time for high school students to visualize themselves actually attending a particular college since it is missing the key ingredient — thousands of students taking classes and creating a bustling atmosphere. ....
HSCW Sponsor Blog - New Book Post - June 7, 2017 New Book on Supplementing the Supplement: I got this email from an author I often include in HS Counselor Week Here's a write up and link:...
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Jun 8, 2017 Summer Melt: A Step-by-Step Guide It’s an all too familiar situation. You see your seniors off at graduation, they thank you for all you’ve done, you wish them luck at college, and you wonder when you’ll see them again... More
7 Things Your College Counselor Won’t Tell You US News - Jun 5, 2017 Summer is a popular time for rising juniors and seniors to visit college campuses. With early action and early decision deadlines looming just around the corner, here are seven crucial things you should know about college admissions that you may not hear from your guidance counselor...
How to Tell If a College Will Go Bust Cappex - The Colege Solution - Jun 1, 2017 Colleges that you’ve never heard of sometimes offer the most tantalizing bargains for students pursuing a bachelor’s degree....
How rising seniors should spend their summer vacation Hingham Journal - Jun 6, 2017 Congratulations ... you are about to enter senior year! You’re getting ready to apply to colleges! What can you do this summer to help increase your chances of gaining admittance to the school of your choice?...
Why High School Senior Year Matters for College Financial Aid US News - May 31, 2017 When Amy Scott’s son was choosing between two colleges during his senior year of high school – both with similar price tags – she wasn’t shy about contacting the institutions to see if they would offer him more financial aid....
Is Treasury best suited to handle student financial aid? Washington Post - Jun 2, 2017 An idea that took shape in the Obama administration is getting fresh attention under President Trump as the Education Department considers handing the operations of its student aid office to the Treasury Department.....
Career and Technical Education
Help (desperately) wanted in Massachusetts Boston Globe - Jun 6, 2017 Warm and able bodies. That’s what was in most demand at a job career fair in Randolph recently. The ballroom was filled with companies looking for nursing assistants, home health aides, van drivers, truck drivers’ helpers, part-time salespeople, house cleaners...
Vt.’s Career Education Investment Paying Off Valley News - Jun 4, 2017 Hartford — Out of view of the dining room out front, Chef Patrick Gobeille was giving orders Thursday morning as five or six teens bustled about the kitchen with wire-bristled brushes and green rubber gloves....
Teen Mental Health
Mental Health Resources for Teens Teen Vogue - Jun 1, 2017 Taking the first step in seeking support for any issues you’re dealing with deserves major props: It’s brave, it’s smart, and it’s an act of self-love. For adults, it can be tricky to navigate what those next steps are, and it can be even tougher for teens...
Teen depression: Large study finds girls have the highest risk Pittsburgh Post-Gazette - Jun 6, 2017 Reaching teenagers with depression and offering them help in a crisis is not easy. One young man whose anxiety led to depression says that adults don’t always recognize the signs and teens don’t know how to tell them....

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