About HS CounselorWeek - weekly email
This weekly email searches main media outlets finding stories that may be of interest to high school counselors, college admission officers and related organizations, with links to the original stories. It is published by de facto, inc., publishers of other e-newsletters.
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Should high school freshmen start applying to colleges? CBS News - Oct 13, 2015 If you think the college application is stressful enough now, dozens of the country's most elite colleges and universities want teenagers to start earnestly focusing on applications as early as freshman year....
High-Stress High School The Atlantic - Oct 9, 2015 Kids who go to elite private high schools enjoy lots of advantages. They have access to the most challenging academic classes at reputable institutions, with staffs that are well-equipped to help them prepare for college. Parents pay an average of $10,000 per year to ensure their kids this privilege...
College Admissions Process/Strategies
What Rising College Application Volume Means for the Class of 2020 US News - Oct 9, 2015 College application volume has been rapidly increasing. In the past, applying to six or seven colleges might have been considered more than sufficient. Now that number has become not just commonplace, but in many cases, lower than the norm. Some students even apply to 15 or more institutions.....
College Admissions: School Specific Research GoLocalPDX College Admissions - Oct 7, 2015 f you are a junior, at this point in time you might have a list of 20–30 colleges that seem interesting based on general criteria like size, location, and available programs. How do you do research to narrow that list? mistakes are rampant, and many students are clueless when it comes to writing a non-academic paper.y...
College admissions officers talk about top priorities Burlington County Times - Oct 11, 2015 Nori Horvitz knows it takes more than good grades to get into college.
The 17-year-old Moorestown High School senior said her class is packed with “overachievers” who are delving into multiple clubs, ....
Recommendation Letters
 | Getting In: The College Essay Slate.com - Oct 9, 2015 The personal statement might be only 650 words, but these paragraphs have the power to make a student stand out to the admissions office, or get lost in the pack...
5 things to know about writing a great college essay Charlotte Observer - Oct 9, 2015 As I read student essay after student essay this fall, I often find myself asking, in not such a polite tone, “What were they thinking?” Grammar and usage mistakes are rampant, and many students are clueless when it comes to writing a non-academic paper.y...
The Essay Questions Colleges Should Be Asking -- But Aren't Huffington Post - Oct 13, 2015 Friends whose son started on his college applications this week were bemoaning the process to us, knowing we have lived through it ourselves. It's been a while since our sons applied and I was curious to know if the essay topics had improved in the interim....
Visiting Colleges? Here's A How To … Daily North Shore - Oct 8, 2015 For students and parents alike, the quest to find the perfect college often starts with a fall campus visit. When setting up those college tours, it’s important for students to know what they want to find out before setting foot on campus.....
| HSCW Counselors' Corners Post - Oct 15, 2015 Giving Junior Families the College Help They Need This time of year is every counselor’s nightmare. You just get finished administering the PSAT (which, with some of its changes, was not an easy task), and suddenly, your office is flooded with questions from juniors and junior parents: “When should I take the SAT? More
6 Ways to Build A Better Relationship With Your Guidance Counselor Her Campus - Oct 7, 2015 Although you may have only briefly met your guidance counselor (also called school counselors) as an underclassman during mandatory meetings and schedule sign-offs (and that one time freshman year you ran into her office crying your eyes out—it’s happened to the best of us), maintaining a strong relationship with your guidance counselor during senior year is one of the most important thing..
School counselors play critical role in college attendance Education Drive - Oct 12, 2015 Schools are facing increasing scrutiny and pressure to ensure that students are ready for college and that they attend — and those efforts are bringing more attention to school counselors, who can play a key role....
School counselors' influence grows District Administration - Oct 7, 2015 Partnerships, training and dedicated centers help students seek college and careers. When Cory Notestine moved to Alamosa, a southern Colorado town founded by the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad, he saw many barriers standing in the way of student success...
Parents, pick your college prep battles Huffington Post - Oct 13, 2015 Many a home with a college-bound teen can seem more like a battleground for different points of view. That’s because parents and their children are at different life stages and with dissimilar experiences...
Survey: Most Freshmen Are Not Emotionally Prepared for College NBC News - Oct 13, 2015 High school students spend years taking classes that will help them tackle the rigors of college courses. But according to a new national survey, most freshmen were unprepared for campus life in one important way: emotionally...
Helicopter Parents Learn College Is Time For A Landing NBC News - Oct 13, 2015 Freshman year is a time of transition—and one of the biggest transitions has to do with the parent-child relationship. What might have been seen as responsible parenting during the K-12 days, including making sure a child gets to class on time, ..
Parents, Rejoice! Teen Moodiness Fades with Age Discovery - Oct 14, 2015 Parents of teenagers, does your son or daughter brush you off at the simplest question? Does your child throw a tantrum over what most ordinary adults would consider a minor setback? Does your teenager change his or her hairstyle/wardrobe/sense of identity every six months or so? Is he or she “in love” ..
Don't Panic: It's Never too Late to Start College Financial Planning TeenLife Blog - Oct 8, 2015 If you’re like most of us, life catches up with you. Before you know it, your student is choosing a college, which means you have to think about paying for it. Unfortunately, too many parents, including me, wait until our kids are in high school to ask the question: How are we going to pay for college? ..
A Close Look at the New SAT The College Solution Blog - Oct 7 2015 By our appraisal, the revised SAT is superior in most every way to the current SAT. It is a more rigorous test, and it is more aligned with college-level thinking, reading, and writing...
Does the PSAT Really Matter? Forbes - Oct 7 2015 Every October, in classrooms and cafeterias all across the country, high school juniors and precocious sophomores gather to take the PSAT. Short for “preliminary SAT,” the PSAT is an abbreviated version of the infamous SAT...
College Corner: New And Improved PSAT Test Cape News - Oct 7 2015 One of the first steps on the journey toward attending college is taking the PSAT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test). All juniors (sophomores now take it in the spring) who are thinking of attending a four-year college should sign up for the test...
3 Changes to the FAFSA for College Students to Understand US News & World Report - Oct 13, 2015 Some important changes are coming to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid next year, but Joseph Orsolini, a college financial aid adviser in the Chicago area, hasn't fielded many questions from parents....
5 College Financing Updates All Students and Parents Should Know About NerdWallet - Oct 8, 2015 It’s college application season, and the reality of how much that degree will cost is hitting families across the country — even those who have been preparing for years. But changes to how families fill out the FAFSA, along with new ways to decide what colleges they can afford, might help make the process a little easier...
Insider Tips on Financial Aid Refunds Huffington Post - Oct 13, 2015 If you are one of the millions of college students who receive a financial aid refund from your college or university each semester, you may be wondering what these funds are for. Simply put, a financial aid refund (sometimes referred to as a "credit balance")...
Navigating college financial aid options pays off Trib Live - Oct 10, 2015 When Joyce Montag began visiting colleges with her daughter Angela, she was stunned by the costs and what the family would be asked to contribute.
Her daughter's preferred school, ....
3 Weird and Unusual College Scholarships US News - Oct 1, 2015 What is your idea of weird? Most of you reading this blog will likely find the following scholarships a bit odd – but hopefully a great deal of help as well.....
The Tenuous Fate of Pennsylvania's Public Schools The Atlantic - Oct 13, 2015 Pennsylvania public schools are now at Defcon 1—borrowing millions of dollars to keep the lights on, starting to ask teachers to work without pay, and even voting to shut the schoolhouse doors and send the kids home—all because an unprecedented state budget crisis has left them within weeks of insolvency....
NH's woe: Many jobs, few qualify New Hampshire Union Leader - Oct 10, 2015 MANCHESTER — Mary Lou O'Neil, school-to-work coordinator at ConVal Regional High School in Peterborough, looked out over the sea of faces at the 13th annual Governor's Advanced Manufacturing and High Technology Summit, and asked, “How many of you are from manufacturing?”...
Teen Drinking
How Letting Teens Drink at Home Affects Them Later in Life Yahoo News - Oct 13, 2015 When it comes to allowing teenagers to have alcohol at home, parents tend to fall into two camps: They either forbid underage drinking, or they permit their teens to have some alcohol at home — whether just for special occasions or, more often...
Alcohol can rewire the teenage brain Science News for Students - Oct 5, 2015 Alcohol is a drug. And every day, more than 4,750 American kids aged 15 and younger take their first full drink of this drug. That’s according to the U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, or SAMHSA. ...

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